Geometry Of The Giant STP Range?


Likes Dirt
I've search everywhere for a spec sheet or a list of angles and lengths, but come up empty handed!

So anyone who knows the angles and lengths and all a reply please....and no noobs posting specs please!


Not sure on exact geometry of the bike. It was designed exactly the way Jeff Lenosky wanted if that helps. He rode a small Giant XTC but he could have changed the geometry a fair bit so im not sure.

Sorry if im no help.


the stp's have all the same geometry and stuff as the Giant team XTC 4x bikes....not that that info helps you much

No Skid Marks

Blue Mountain Bikes Brooklyn/Lahar/Kowa/PO1NT Raci
half arsed comes from the term half arzed, in relation to the bevelled edges on a mantle peice. In the old day's they would arze the front and the back, but poorer(or smarter) people started to just get the front done because the back is against the wall. Hence the term half arzed or arsed meaning half done effort. Sorry if thats no help but I was just goin with the flow. Steel's where it's at anyway