Girls at the world cup in Canberra


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Hey! I had a ball watching the World Cup in Canberra and took LOTS of photos. I've just created an album in my profile of 35 of the best photos of the girls. Never posted photos on Farkin before but here are some of them. Hopefully you can all access the album to see the rest.



Girls at the World CUP


I agree I watched the girls too and most of my pics ended up being girls for some reason. I guess i got to happy to see them riding and doing some really good moves.


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Can anyone tell me if they accessed the album of all 35 pics, which has the names of the riders for most of the photos? I've got no idea how people can get it, but I did make it a public album.

I'm happy to email copies of photos to you. I've got 3 or 4 or more pics of some people. Gots lots of the guys too. My son and I were both taking photos. Just email me at



Serial flasher

Can anyone tell me if they accessed the album of all 35 pics, which has the names of the riders for most of the photos? I've got no idea how people can get it, but I did make it a public album.

I'm happy to email copies of photos to you. I've got 3 or 4 or more pics of some people. Gots lots of the guys too. My son and I were both taking photos. Just email me at

I saw the pics ... nice one. If you visit public profile, the album is on the left towards the bottom of the screen. Any more of Jane Rutter? I am emailing two of them to her sponsor - link in my sig - I hope that is okay. Send more there if you have them please.


some nice shots there... wish i was there in the morning as it was too dark and crowded to spot anything the saturday night :(


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If you have any of Mio Suemusa, MS-Intense, let me know as she would love them to put on her web site.