Got Pain? The youtube and google crash video thread

What tree?

First round of the 2013 WA DH States, it tickled a bit

New MTB park at Golden Jubilee...
1st day there, and I'm not good with 1sts...

Nope, I got ejected track side, got a small bruise on my hip to show for it, but thats all.
Makes me feel justified for wearing pads :)
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Chik face plants on moto

This is off the mtb topic but its worth a look

I luv the way the first guy there runs to the bike haha
The music makes this one good

The two wheeled ginger ninja

Dh Crash - Warning: Expletives

Crash I had on the weekend. Front wheel wash out and no time to prepare myself for the impact. Made for a big bruise and scrapes, a few sleepless nights, a tad of internal bleeding but most disappointing was it ended a weekend of camping and shuttle runs.... Booooo. Happened on the third run of the first day.
Check out the stack at 14 seconds into the video and the one around the 3:30 mark.


Fucken ouch!
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Check out the stack at 14 seconds into the video and the one around the 3:30 mark.


Fucken ouch!

That first crash was brilliant as well...... they are some of the most brutal crashes I have seen :)
Here's a video I took last week. A shit run at Lysterfield.

I still consider myself to be a beginner, so yeah.. I know I'm not very good.

Sprained my right wrist, and bruised my ribs, and took a fair amount of skin off my arm.

Be sure to watch the whole thing. :wink:

Eating it horribly at the youyangs off the last table on Cressy. Lost skin on arm, shoulder, back, hips. Including a nice hole in my elbow where a rock tore through it.

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I filmed this one at the cairns world cup

Didn't know this thread was here.

This is the sound of real pain. Crash at 3:30 at Mt Buller which got me air lifted back to Melbourne with spinal fractures. Didn't stop me walking out first though!
