Headset, freewheel, bars, grips, V lever


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What: Headset, freewheel, bars, grips, V lever
Price range/Willing to Pay: Depends on the product
Location: Brisbane
Extra Info: Freewheel must be good condition., grips prefferebly big and soft (ourys), V lever (xtr or avid) can be scratched but working fine., Bars must be wide 685 or over. Headset in good working condition ,FSA is appealing


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I have a brand new, unused, unopened chris king no-thread 1 1/8" headset that I can't use because I ended up buying a frame with a 1.5 head tube. If you're keen, make me an offer. Nothing silly cos I've got no need to sell it.


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sorry guys, look for a cheap headset.. and i need an 18t for trials!, a single tooth makes a big difference. thanx anyways!