how do people get their bike to stand up in photo's?


Likes Dirt
ok, in some photo's of late ive seen a few bikes standing up on their own.
like, without anything to hold them up.
how is it done, it looke mint!

please explqain, im going nuts trying to figure it out.
the only explination i can think of is for osmone to hold up their bike and let it go, and take the photo before it starts to fall over!!!!

hm, that would probably work! :D :D


Likes Dirt
I hear magic.

I looked at a le toy in post your ride the other day and a strategically placed bit of wood seemed to do a good job.

But I'll stick by magic.


Eats Squid
I’m not 100% sure, but I think they just photo shop out the object holding up the bike...


Likes Bikes and Dirt
stinkytodamax said:
I looked at a le toy in post your ride the other day and a strategically placed bit of wood seemed to do a good job.
Someone's clever...


^Once punched Jeff Kennett. Don't pick an e-fight
^ that is sooo boring!

Where is the creativity in todays youth :eek: ?


Likes Bikes
i think if you put it in some sand, and push it in it will stay, and if its on a beach it would make a great photo


^Once punched Jeff Kennett. Don't pick an e-fight
yeah i love cleaning sand out of my bike too... its especially good when the sand gets through your chain, i love that bit.


Likes Dirt
i can sometimes get my bike to stay upright if I balance it proerpy, easiest place to do this (which isn't sand:p) is on grass. Last race in the mud i just let my bike go and it stayed up, I had to defend it gallantly from the onsluaght of tools and gloves being thrown at it:)


Likes Dirt
sasser said:
hockey pucks?
how does a hockey puck do it?
It doesn't take much to keep it upright, if the bike is balancing in say grass, which it already has a chance uf staying uprght in, putting a tiny something against the wheel will probably hold it upright. As long as a big wind doesn't come round anyway.

Techno Destructo

Riding In Peace
sasser said:
hockey pucks?
how does a hockey puck do it?
Heh... just a Canadian thing... If you look at bikes photos shot in Canada, stacked hockey pucks are regularly used to prop up the lower pedal.

We've got a lot of pucks over there, y'know? ;)