how to land stairs properly?


Likes Dirt
does anyone know whats a safe way of jumping stairs, but instead of jumping all of them land on the last few steps?

heres a pic[/img]


yeah how do you land smooth on stairgaps??

IE clearing a first set then landing on a second?


Landing on stairs is a lot smoother than you'd imagine, the faster you go the smoother it is really. I haven't hit one up in ages, but Dom and Ty have busted some size Large ones on street rides recently, so they should be able to help you out with some tips.
I just hit a stair gap like it's any gap to a tranny, and land on the second set like I would any landing.

fastrider gus

super huck
land both wheels evenly and absord it with your legs as much as you can.. its also better if you jump with a "racer" style other than a "huck" style.. then you will be landing into the stairs instead of landing ON them..
a dude here in geelong (dave) is known for doing huuge stairgaps on his BMX.. he lands them prety shonky, but he still rolls away.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
just manual the stairs, it's more fun... if ya really wanna do whatever it is you are talking about, just go out and do it, there aren't really much tips that are gonna help near as much as actually doing it.


Likes Dirt
is it easy to land on a second set of stairs on a HT ? or do you really need a dually ? and back first or even ?


It's my birthday!
Yea its easy as, as someone already said, the faster you go; the smoother it is. You just gotta be confident. Look at the doods in JIB (if you have it) Good stuff in there.


Eats Squid
Hit it as if you would hit any other gap ..

Land both wheels same time on the landing stairs ... momentum is your freind with stairs .. the faster you going the smoother it is ..

Biggest ive done is 11 - 10 ...
Scotty got a pic of it the other night ... As everyone above said .. Take it race style .. Low and fast .. no hucking unless you feel like a trip to the hospital .. Keep low fast .. make sure youve gapped things before .. example jumps .. Landing front wheel first or both wheels in a down position.

My Advice .. find something small .. then once your totally confident .. go knock yaself out ..i mean find a larger gap.. or set of stairs. ... But yeah in your case what your doing is good practice .. bunny hoping into a set of stairs and getting your wheel positions correct is good .. same concept as gapping a set. - Although ya gotta make sure you clear the gap .. Hartails are no different .. just as smooth in my experience on both a dually and hardtail .. Although be sure to clear the gap on a HT as they will buck your rear wheel up if you fail to clear it .. whereas a dually will allow you to be sloopy. Ive only done a couple of stair gaps .. The Top one is the largest 11 - 10 .. much bigger then what the photo looks like damm it... and the other was our first attempt .. Myself Ryan and Ty battled this bitch for ages .. Nothing hardcore though.



Eats Squid
yeah the roma st gap is cool ... first one i did.
or you mean the QR one ? top pic or the 2nd pic ?