I need to go from Zero to 40km Triathlon leg in 6 weeks. Help.


Well, this'll get me training. Threw my hat in the ring for the bike leg of the Mooloolaba Triathlon. 40km ride leg, which will be a real sprint I'm guessing. Couple of hills but route is mainly flat apparently.

I'm at 0 fitness, 0km, did one 45min ride yesterday. I can pull the time no worries, it's just the intensity, cadence etc. Ride in the drops? I like to.

Just some guidelines on training style, time, intensity, frequency etc would be greatly appreciated. Want to maximise work without overtraining and affecting recovery.

Pre-post training ride nutrition ideas would be good too, I'm a PT so my nutrition work is 99% gym based. I know there is heaps of info on the net, but I'm just after some quick ideas from multiple sources. Will most likely run a 40g carbs and 40g protein shake post rides + anything else.

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Uber Geek
With only 6 weeks and a zero base you'll struggle to do the best time...

But with plenty of time on the bike you should be able to get to a point where you're not going to throw up afterwards. :p

Personally I'd start with simply riding for the first 3 weeks or so, every 2 days at least.

Then for 2 weeks after that try to do some high intensity rides, big hills, sprints, that kind of thing.

For the last week don't do anything except for maybe a gentle cruise to keep the legs ticking over.

I'm no expert, but that's the kind of regime I'd look at doing. :)


Likes Dirt
lance armstrong 7 week program book is the go. you are obviously fit just need some bike specific training. just jump on the advanced.

on a side note, without the book, but i went from 4 months of injury-induced nothingness, to a 134km "fun" ride at the tour down under in 4 weeks!!! i'm 105kg too.

just get out there and do some kays. you'll need to do lots of intervals.

but you will need to get out as often as you can, just mix the recovery rides in at low heart rate, the book explains this well.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Noosa tri is punter spectacular... Ride smart otherwise you'll end up on your arse. Although its non drafting theres so many people it is unavoidable so pick a good set of wheels and sit on them. Its only for 40km so just go hard out and push the biggest sensible gear possible. Its not like a half or IM where you have tp pace yourself...
about 4 weeks out do a block of 2 weeks of big gear hill reps then do some efforts along a flat road leading up to the event.


look at me
if you have an indoor trainer or can get access to one it makes for a great 'no excuses' exercise tool. use something like the CTS race simulation or sprinting dvds and this will improve your interval training and give you an idea of intervals that you can do out on the road. with them go as hard as you can, you WILL recover at the end of it. no point in holding back in a 60minute training dvd. have fun as well. use an mp3 player if you like music, try not to make it a chore as well!