Identiti Krisis

Hey Farkiners,
I am currently looking at buying a new hardtail frame for practically everything. I like to ride a bit of street, dj, 4 cross and lots of downhill. I have been looking on the net at new frames and think a Sasquatch seems alright but i saw an identiti krisis and the theory of this bike seems great. Has anyone ever ridden one/ owned one/ had a mate with one? If so what are they like?
Here is the link with the pictures and price.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Early next year the krysis sl hits the market. Similar geometry to that, but a gear specific bike, so it shaves off alot the weight that is in the adjustable rear end. Total frame weight is around 1.7kg, and looking to be a super solid 4x bike option. Keep your eyes peeled...