Illicit Industries Hub and Headset


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I know :rolleyes: i thought i would add to the review that i have the front hub and absolutley love it in every way. :)


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第103届广交会即将揭幕,房价暴涨的局面再度出现,对于广州酒店业又将是一场严峻的考验。虽然广州市政府对广交会期间 广州市酒店房价实行政府认可的行业指导价 ,但 市内星级酒店在广交会期间的报价平均 都 在2000元/晚左右, 不少配置顶级 的五星级酒店,报价均维持在2500元 — 3000元/晚。 这样的局面相较于其他酒店业者的升价政策,2007年度中国最佳经济型连锁酒店——7天连锁酒店却独树一帜,抛出了低至237元/房晚的特惠房价,以充足的房源、合理的价格和优质的服务,满足消费者、回馈消费者! 237元心动特惠!让广交会房价不再昂贵! 作为本次广交会最大房源供应商, 7天连锁酒店预订在广州地区拥有超过20家分店、2300间客房,分店 覆盖了各大展馆、机场、火车站、地铁站沿线、商业中心及旅游景点等区域,交通便利,周边生活娱乐设施齐全,有实力更有信心为各交易团的商务之路保驾护航! 广交会期间,客人只需要低至237元/房晚的价格 即可享受 7天连锁酒店 提供的高性价比酒店服务。除了 免费宽带上网、1.8米舒适大床、纯棉被褥、 24 小时按摩淋浴设备、独立空调、电视、电话等优质硬件服务,7天还为每位入住的会员客人赠送睡前牛奶一盒,每天早上更提供便捷的营养早餐等优质会员专享服务。 成为7天会员还可以享受新会员77元大床房体验、全国会员优惠房价、会员积分兑换免费房、预订保留、延时退房等 等“七大快乐专享服务”,广交会期间住宿自主,更加顺您心意! 三重大礼赢取 3000 元京津客房,共享 08 盛世! 除了广交会期间的特惠活动外, 7 天连锁酒店更携手搜狐举办“奥运期间房晚竞拍活动”,与您共庆 08 北京奥运会这一盛事。 2008 年 8 月 1 日至 31 日奥运期间, 7 天连锁酒店北京、天津两地全部分店超过 90000 间房晚通过网络进行公开竞拍。
you do know we cant read that...

any one know what happened to Illicit?


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Didn't they shut down?
Or am i thinking of somebody else...
Sorry to be a dirty gravedigger, but can someone confirm if this is true? I've got an illicit headset that came on my nomad and was trying to find some info on it and all I can find on the net is this thread and the review by Ryan.

Have they gone to company heaven?


I honestly have no idea and as I'm now in Canada it's not exactly easy for me to find out.

Update wise - the front hub remains silky smooth even after enduring a UK winter and the headset unfortunately got sold with my wife's bike when we left Australia last January.


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Well, my headset has copped a flogging since I got my bike 2nd hand about a year ago and who knows how old it was when I got it. Anyway, still feels smooth as and looks the goods. I hope they arn't toast because it seems like good gear.