Interschools 2010


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Excuse me Mr grammar/punctuation, 'definant' is actually spelled 'Definite'. Sorry Koe, i couldn't help myself after seeing the amount of times you correct peoples spelling.
I heard that it was about halfway through march, but I'm not 100% certain on that.

koe/extreme dh

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Excuse me Mr grammar/punctuation, 'definant' is actually spelled 'Definite'. Sorry Koe, i couldn't help myself after seeing the amount of times you correct peoples spelling.
I heard that it was about halfway through march, but I'm not 100% certain on that.
Do you not read threads im not even going to bother your just trying to start another shit fight and dont deny it.


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hey guys can someone please explain to me what interschools is as i live up north and have no idea.


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19th, 20th, and 21st of March.
Thanks mate. Is it the same format as other years? With friday and saturday morning being practise, with DH racing on saturday arvo? Koe, it was just a bit of a joke, why don't you leave it there so it doesn't turn into another shit-fight.


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hey guys can someone please explain to me what interschools is as i live up north and have no idea.
Interschools is a race with only schools. It has all different disciplines including dh, 4X & XC. Schools can compete in teams or you can race as an individual. Its great fun and one of my favourite races of the year.
Hey everyone,

The dates for Interschools are the 19th 20th and 2st of March and these dates are confirmed. All the info will be updated onto the South East MTB website when it is all finalised. Also if your not a fan of Sth East MTB Co on facebook become a fan to be kept up to date with all the latest information out of Thredbo.

See you all on the hill


Sth East MTB Co.