Is a 2.5 Minion too wide for the front


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Need some advice ppl
I just put a 2.5 minnion on the back of the 08 Enduro and I'm now looking to replace the tired front tyre. I ride all terrain , up hill, XC and race DH for kicks. I am tending to lean towards a DH type tyre. Is it better to run a thinner front to cut into corners more than a fat tyre :confused:


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Need some advice ppl
I just put a 2.5 minnion on the back of the 08 Enduro and I'm now looking to replace the tired front tyre. I ride all terrain , up hill, XC and race DH for kicks. I am tending to lean towards a DH type tyre. Is it better to run a thinner front to cut into corners more than a fat tyre :confused:

usually the front is the grippier tyre, and hence usually a fatter tyre


Likes Dirt
its actually better to run wider on the front but those enduro forks may not have enough clearance when the going gets muddy. try and see how it goes


Wheel size expert
If anything, its better to run a wider tyre on the front.

A wider front tyre will provide better cornering/handling as well as providing better cusioning on the front also, if compared to a narrow tyre on the front. (broader area etc)
While yes, more weight is carried on the back, unlike your back tyre, if you loose traction on the front, it will almost definatly end in tears. So emphasis is on the front.

Its also good in sandy/wet/muddy conditions since a broader patch of tyre is less likely to sink when you hit a soft patch (allowing you to power though the patch)

I think that all made sence...


Likes Bikes
Thanks guys - good point about the mud clearence, I did run stock 2.35 front & rear and once mud did clog both front & back wheels.
I just checked the Maxxis website and looks like the narrowest minion they make is 2.50. Throws a spanner in works.
Any reccommendations on another suitable tyre to match the Minion rear ?
A 2.35 Larsen perhaps ?
Cant wait for the rain to stop so I can give em a go.

Plow King

Little bit.
Thanks guys - good point about the mud clearence, I did run stock 2.35 front & rear and once mud did clog both front & back wheels.
I just checked the Maxxis website and looks like the narrowest minion they make is 2.50. Throws a spanner in works.
Any reccommendations on another suitable tyre to match the Minion rear ?
A 2.35 Larsen perhaps ?
Cant wait for the rain to stop so I can give em a go.
Perhaps a 2.35, 60a Maxxis Highroller?


Eats Squid
for me I run 2.35 high rollers front and rear on my AM rig. wide enough for DH but light enough to actually ride up decent hills without being so heavy I have to walk it.

If you really want to keep the minion, I'd throw the 2.5 up front and put a 2.35 on the rear. (as stated wider front is better)

Apparently they must have made 2.35 minions at some stage as Guiver has these for sale -

(no I'm not selling them)


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Maxxis do list the2.35. Incorrect choice of wording by me - website stated out/unavailable.I will track down a 2.35 for the front and give it a run @ Ourimbah this weekend.
Thanks Guys


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I run a 2.5 minion 40a slow rezaay on the front and a kenda nevgal 2.5 on the back.
Sick combo.
I also run them with slime to keep the weight low to the ground.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Thanks guys - good point about the mud clearence, I did run stock 2.35 front & rear and once mud did clog both front & back wheels.
I just checked the Maxxis website and looks like the narrowest minion they make is 2.50. Throws a spanner in works.
Any reccommendations on another suitable tyre to match the Minion rear ?
A 2.35 Larsen perhaps ?
Cant wait for the rain to stop so I can give em a go.
Stuff the rain! Show it what your made of and ride no matter what is going on!


Likes Dirt
If anything for what you ride I'd have two sets of tyres. 2.5 minions for DH, and something like a 2.35 larsen/ignitor combo for your XC/All mountain set up. I have a 06 enduro and run 2.5 minions for DH on one set of wheels, and a much lighter 2.1 ignitors and crossmarks on 819/pro2 wheelset for normal trails riding. I dont really have much problem with the narrower tyres for grip, but on rockier trails I need to keep the air pressure up a couple of psi to avoid rim damage.


Likes Dirt
man i run a 2.7 minion on the front and a 2.5 on the back. It works awesome cause you have way more control on the soft stuff with a fatter front tyre like mud and sand.


pesky scooter kids git off ma lawn
As others have said, if anything, running a bigger front tyre is better. Front traction is the important thing. Anyway, who doesn't love drifting that back wheel around a corner. I run a 2.5 40a Maxxis Minion on the front and a 2.35 42a Maxxis Bling Bling on the rear. The front sticks like glue, but I'm a little disappointed in the Bling Bling, I bought it because the LBS didn't have any 2.35 Minions in stock.


Likes Dirt
As others have said, if anything, running a bigger front tyre is better. Front traction is the important thing. Anyway, who doesn't love drifting that back wheel around a corner. I run a 2.5 40a Maxxis Minion on the front and a 2.35 42a Maxxis Bling Bling on the rear. The front sticks like glue, but I'm a little disappointed in the Bling Bling, I bought it because the LBS didn't have any 2.35 Minions in stock.
I'm also running a 2.5 minion (60a) on the front and 2.35 Bling Bling on the rear. The Minion in the 50a which you have (i sold it to you:D) would be great up front with a high roller for a more downhill setup or bling bling/larsen on the back (not because im selling one or anything... Ha Ha) for a more xc/trails setup.

That way you get the grip and also the speed of a slicker tyre on the rear.

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Likes Bikes and Dirt
Don't know how true it is but I thought Maxxis tyres, particularly Minions were known to run smaller than stated?