Is Majura under threat from road upgrade?

C Dunlop

Likes Dirt
service road
aka: deserted road for racking up k's on the roadie when canberra is soaked.

pine forests are pretty much pine forests. trails near the city are nice, but there isn't really anything special about Majura. It gets boggy with just a little bit of rain and the trails themselves are nothing special - the build is so-so and the maintenance is sporadic at best. There are only a few sections that make good use of the elevation of the site. The trails all just kind of blur into one and are all far too easy to ride. Nice for the beginner/public-servant-on-a-29er, I guess, but are dreary to ride more than once every few weeks.

No great loss. The trails on bruce ridge are better (soil is loamier, instead of coniferous glug) and the trails on Black Mountain are much better (*awaits flaming for having ridden them even though they've been there for ~4yrs and were originally cut by orienteering people using the mountain too much and creating a social trail*).