Is this Rotorburn or Flow??


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Oi what on Earth is going on here...all the content on this site is posted by Flow mountain bike...what happened to Rotorburn? this just a front for Flow now? Why bother having the Flow website and this website? Rotorburn just still here for the forums huh?
The content is posted on the home page under news, news can come from any source, flow been one. I'm assuming its just the fact that this is a hub and we get flow articles posted as news or flow pay for advertising in some cases too.

For instance its actually posted as bulk news not as flow.

But it directly links to the site and content cutting out the middle step. You can of course go to news and into the thread then more content but whats the point when the Mods can just link it straight to the source.
Rotorburn is only as good as the people who contribute to it. If you want to report on events, rides or products, go ahead. That's what it's all about.
Oi what on Earth is going on here...all the content on this site is posted by Flow mountain bike...what happened to Rotorburn? this just a front for Flow now? Why bother having the Flow website and this website? Rotorburn just still here for the forums huh?

I thought the same thing a while ago when after I paid my subsription to become a Flow crew member, which entitled you to exclusive internet content, I kept finding the same content on Rotorburn.
I thought the same thing a while ago when after I paid my subsription to become a Flow crew member, which entitled you to exclusive internet content, I kept finding the same content on Rotorburn.

Well isn't that funny - last year I was thinking about subscribing to flow, and after clicking on about the tenth teaser on rotorburn, I just thought fuck this - no money from me ( teaser being those articles that gave one paragraph , then pay content and pay video)
Oi what on Earth is going on here...all the content on this site is posted by Flow mountain bike...what happened to Rotorburn? this just a front for Flow now? Why bother having the Flow website and this website? Rotorburn just still here for the forums huh?

Our front page wasn't getting the daily news that our sources could offer. Flow came along and as part of the advertising deal they've offered to keep the front page fresh and regularly updated with great info. It's still free for everyone to use and is still relevant to what we all like; mountain bikes.
To be fair, the content on the front page seems to be a fairly even split between Flow and VitalMTB. Even local news is reported through a link to Vital. Do Vital pay for the links?

When I think about it, probably like many, I generally go straight to the forum on RB and ignore the front page. Yet on Vital or PinkBike I only look at the home page and rarely go to the forums.

To me it seems like there is a great opportunity on the front page from an advertising and publicity perspective (amongst others).

Probably the fact that it is nearly all links (in an unattractive font and tight spacing) with few images or video stills means that people are not immediately attracted to it. Its a shame because one good picture with some decent editorial could be a lot more effective for promoting an event rather than having to go through several forums sections and potentially only stumbling on what you are interested in. I've probably missed it but I'm surprised that the AM / GE / Enduro type events aren't featuring more on the home page. I will happily click on a US or European event just to see what they're up to when I'm on Vital / PB / Enduro.
Generally, if your not happy with something.......Don't use it. CYA :wave:

Have a tea and a lie down buddy. I'm happy.

Thanks everyone; it's as I to all, Flow just very active. Fair enough. I thought there used to be material posted on the front page by Rotorburn, which I liked.
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The old crew have moved on with lives as well. The people like Squid, S. Techno and so on aren't able to contribute as they used to for one reason or another.

I go through the stuff on the front page a lot more now than I used to as the video content these days is pretty damned good. Heaps of quality DH action.
Sorry if I have caused you angst 'sensai' - (you didn't sound happy)... (I had a beer and a little snooze - not really a tea person)..:thumb: