VIC It's a good day for Forrest


Likes Dirt
Today marks a significant day in the Forrest Trail network.
After 3 years of patiently talking with and trying to work with DSE, the Forrest MTB & Cycling Club are conducting a working bee on a section of trail. These works have the blessing of DSE. This will be the first time in the Forrest Trail network history, that approved volunteer works have been conducted... EVER!

  • A JSA has been submitted
  • Hard Hats will be worn (how many other trail crews wear them?)
  • safety vests
  • steel capped boots
  • all leaders have had Volunteer leaders training
  • first aid certificates are in place
  • yadda yadda yadda.

It's a good day for the Forrest trail network. They have been neglected for way too long.
Whilst it has been a long and often frustrating journey, I do believe that this is the ONLY way to work with land managers long term. The days of building/maintaining without permission needs to be a thing of the past. We would like to think that we have done some work that will allow DSE to implement a new code of conduct for all trail networks in the future.
Next time you are doing some work on your local trails spare a thought for those of us that sometimes aren't even allowed out on the trails.
Thanks to the whole of the Forrest community for making this day a reality.
exciting times

So many exciting times in Forrest Norm...
trail maintenance
which eventually will lead to trail growth
brewery & other new ventures in business
continued growth in current businesses
vic tourism developing a cycle tourism role/dept
This can only help large events such as - Jeep 24hr & Otway Odyssey as well as Forrests own Premier 6hr Event.

Its time to get on board - Forrest is finally moving forward.
Its not just about trails, but the positive energy put into this instills a positive community vibe and the desire for people to come here with their family and friends.

Yee Hah!
Norm that's a significant achievement I'm sure many here would find it surprising that such a high profile and broadly promoted MTB destination operates on a volunteer basis and has only just now received DSE blessing.

Admittedly there is a degree of history with DSE, the forrestry industry and MTB activites but I'd be keen to hear what you think the key points were that led to DSE acceptance of enthusiast volunteer involvement.

Do you think that there is potential for others to leverage from this situation in other locations?
George, allow me to be clear > The Forrest MTB Trail network is operated by DSE. They are responsible for the "upkeep" of the trail network.
Until now DSE have not provided our club with the means to assist them.
This is slowly changing and today is a significant step forward.
I think the main sticking point has always been how to manage volunteers. "Coast Care" groups operated all over the state yet we haven't been able to do a similar thing here.

The local management staff here in the Otways understand that this is the way we need to move forward, and they have had to change significant ingrained philosophies within DSE.
I'll keep you updated.
It's a good day for the Forrest trail network. They have been neglected for way too long.

It has held up remarkably well! I spent a couple of hours at Yaugher on Friday and noticed a few small issues, but on the whole it was great. You should see the state of Melbourne's trails after a wet year...

Which section of trail are you working on first?
It has held up remarkably well! I spent a couple of hours at Yaugher on Friday and noticed a few small issues, but on the whole it was great. You should see the state of Melbourne's trails after a wet year...

Which section of trail are you working on first?

Have you been down either #4, #3, #2, #11? All these are in terrible condition.

We will be working on a small section of #7 and #11
I didn't make it down to the southern end last week - sounds like it wasn't such a bad thing. I saw some of the issues on 7 and 11.

It is an interesting point you make about management of volunteer labour. Are they any issues financing this work, or is it just coordinating willing and able labour?

Would it be useful for us to join your club, or donate? I've had a great time when i've visited, but felt a bit uncomfortable driving in, riding and then leaving. I'm happy to buy food and drinks in town, but would like to be able to contribute more directly to maintaining the place.
Norm, great work. I know you guys have been on this one for a long time.
Sandra and I hope to get back to Vic soon for a ride :)

Ben Connor
I didn't make it down to the southern end last week - sounds like it wasn't such a bad thing. I saw some of the issues on 7 and 11.

It is an interesting point you make about management of volunteer labour. Are they any issues financing this work, or is it just coordinating willing and able labour?

Would it be useful for us to join your club, or donate? I've had a great time when i've visited, but felt a bit uncomfortable driving in, riding and then leaving. I'm happy to buy food and drinks in town, but would like to be able to contribute more directly to maintaining the place.

By all means join our club... that's always a good start.

The main issue has been not coordinating the volunteers at all. To explain it better and perhaps without beating about the bush > DSE has not allowed us to do any work. They have forbidden it. They (DSE workers) don't want volunteers.
I know this is hard to understand, as this is the standard practice all over the world. However here in our little part of the world, it's what we have to deal with on an ongoing basis.

That's why when I hear of others organising "trail working bees"... it's frustrates the hell out of me.

Footnote, I've just had word from DSE that we can't do anything this arvo that would otherwise disturbed soil. In other words all we can do is to clear existing drains and move a few branches. So much for "maintenance".

Seems our battle is far from done.
The main issue has been not coordinating the volunteers at all. To explain it better and perhaps without beating about the bush > DSE has not allowed us to do any work. They have forbidden it. They (DSE workers) don't want volunteers.
I know this is hard to understand, as this is the standard practice all over the world. However here in our little part of the world, it's what we have to deal with on an ongoing basis.

Oh Norm, that's why I was taken aback by your significant win!

There are perfectly good working models for volunteers working with DSE (and their relevant equivalents) all over the country. Indeed, you touched on the coastal working bees as a good example. Lots of "Friends of <insert your favourite place>" volunteer groups doing great things. There is no practical reason why this successful working model cannot be implemented in all other manner of activities such as MTB trail support.

I would say that the main reason why these sorts of groups have been able to establish a close relationship with the DSE is that they are a good cultural match with senior DSE staff. Whilst MTB activities are often supported by DSE staff on the ground, there has been little support from above. Indeed I would go so far as to say that MTB enthusiasts are actively met with strong (and veiled) resistance from those higher up in the organisation.

Your win is evidence that the conservative grip is loosening but with that, you guys will have a good deal of responsibility placed upon you because your success mid and long term will have an impact upon how other such applications will be judged.

All the power to you and your colleagues Norm!
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Have you been down either #4, #3, #2, #11? All these are in terrible condition.

I've always liked the southern trail network, comparing it year on year, its certainly not what it used to be, or could be.

Any opportunity to improve tail conditions here is a welcome change in my book! Good work Norm.
Southern Trail conditions

I'm thinking of heading down to forrest soon - what are the conditions on tracks 3, 5 and 6 like? These have always been my favourite tracks.
Red carpet works

Stay tuned for trail maintenance updates on this thread in the coming weeks

G'Day All,

Just a quick update that today, Thursday and Friday there will be a joint Forrest MTB, DSE and World Trail crew undertaking rock armouring works on the top sections of Red Carpet.

There is also a new plan which will distribute future works between Forrest MTB Club and DSE.

As far as we are aware, this is the first location in Victoria where a true collaborative written plan has been put in place between a Government Department, (DSE), and a local club, with shared tasks / responsibilities and outcomes.

Hopefully we will have some pics to share by the end of the week

Here is a quick peek at some of the work we've done over the past few days.

It's been hard work but very rewarding... albeit that when you ride it, it's over with in about 15 seconds!

P1000527 [1280x768].JPG
That's great work Norm!! Job well done to you and your crew :eek:
I just wish Forrest wasn't a 2.5hr drive for me.. otherwise I would be there in a jiffy to help out :)
Great stuff as above ^ that old section of Red Carpet has always been subjected to big ruts as the water works its way down the face to the road.
Great to see a partnership forming to allow these improvements to begin as its well needed in the southern trail areas.
Here is a quick peek at some of the work we've done over the past few days.

It's been hard work but very rewarding... albeit that when you ride it, it's over with in about 15 seconds!

View attachment 191121

Hi Norm,

No how you feel, just finishing off the track behind the Dam wall and 5 months of work will only take 30sec to get through.

Have you got access to a Dingo? PV was kind enough to hire one for the past 3 days and man it helps out. Takes out all the manual hauling of rock and materials. Just wished we had the funds to purchase one.

Track looks great keep up the great work
Thread update

G'Day All,

Just providing an update on the past few months.

We now, officially, have a Forrest Mountain Bike Trails Committee

There are equal number of DSE and Forrest MTB Club representatives on the committee

The committee meets on second Wednesday, alternate months

The Forrest Trails Crew is allowed to carry our work based on committee outcomes

The committee has an audit document, completed by World Trail, to use as a basis of areas requiring work

DSE has provided a range of hand tools requested by the Forrest Trail Crew

DSE has provided raw material for the Forrest Trail Crew to use on the trail network

DSE has provided power barrows to asssit the movement of this raw material

The Forrest Trail Crew has scheduled the third Sunday of every months as a trail maintenance day

DSE has contracted World Trail to complete works above the area of expertise of the Forrest Trail Crew. (Pictures and detail will follow when the trail in question is suitable for use)

Lots of excellent progress in a very short time, and we hope our relationship continues to grow with DSE

Great to see that some land managers are starting to see that some work is just beyond unskilled volunteers,and gets contractors in to over see and perform major tasks. About time i think.