"jump up and down!"


Likes Bikes and Dirt
oz-freerider said:
timed runs sounds good hursty race day! IT"S ON!
Ok josh goes first and we put wire across the NS, and then the rest of us are set(kids wire on DH tracks is BAD dont really do it) hehehehehe :lol:
ok this is about phils bike...but foes man does a 3 40 or 2 40 i think....sorry back to topic..

why didn't you choose to put the xt's on the downhill? i agree it looks better and all but thats IMO...i like them all, any 'action shots' so far?


Likes Dirt
well the xts, on the 125 is like the cmplete bikenow its done nothign to upgrade, but for freeride there awesoem but when i went up to buller i found they were suffering a bit 2 much brake fade, and the brakeing was inconsistant, but i still love the feel of em even over hayes, but when buildin up the oryx i had the chance 2 buy em, but i went the avids and i really cant complain, they are set up awesome///even working better than rhys's M4's at the moment :wink:


Likes Bikes and Dirt
SHOCK he rode buller on sunday with me allbe it slow but he sure as hell wasnt slow driving there ;) *cough* he'll be getting a whole lot fitter now :lol: