Killer Dolphins on The Loose


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The Observer said:
Armed and dangerous - Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina

by Mark Townsend Houston
Sunday September 25, 2005
The Observer

It may be the oddest tale to emerge from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico.

Experts who have studied the US navy's cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' guns. Divers and surfers risk attack, they claim, from a species considered to be among the planet's smartest. The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing.

Dolphins have been trained in attack-and-kill missions since the Cold War. The US Atlantic bottlenose dolphins have apparently been taught to shoot terrorists attacking military vessels. Their coastal compound was breached during the storm, sweeping them out to sea. But those who have studied the controversial use of dolphins in the US defence programme claim it is vital they are caught quickly.

Leo Sheridan, 72, a respected accident investigator who has worked for government and industry, said he had received intelligence from sources close to the US government's marine fisheries service confirming dolphins had escaped.

'My concern is that they have learnt to shoot at divers in wetsuits who have simulated terrorists in exercises. If divers or windsurfers are mistaken for a spy or suicide bomber and if equipped with special harnesses carrying toxic darts, they could fire,' he said. 'The darts are designed to put the target to sleep so they can be interrogated later, but what happens if the victim is not found for hours?'

Usually dolphins were controlled via signals transmitted through a neck harness. 'The question is, were these dolphins made secure before Katrina struck?' said Sheridan.

The mystery surfaced when a separate group of dolphins was washed from a commercial oceanarium on the Mississippi coast during Katrina. Eight were found with the navy's help, but the dolphins were not returned until US navy scientists had examined them.

Sheridan is convinced the scientists were keen to ensure the dolphins were not the navy's, understood to be kept in training ponds in a sound in Louisiana, close to Lake Pontchartrain, whose waters devastated New Orleans.

The navy launched the classified Cetacean Intelligence Mission in San Diego in 1989, where dolphins, fitted with harnesses and small electrodes planted under their skin, were taught to patrol and protect Trident submarines in harbour and stationary warships at sea.

Criticism from animal rights groups ensured the use of dolphins became more secretive. But the project gained impetus after the Yemen terror attack on the USS Cole in 2000. Dolphins have also been used to detect mines near an Iraqi port.
$50 says they're actually sharks and they're carrying fricken lazeeers instead of darts.
notb4dinner said:
$50 says they're actually sharks and they're carrying fricken lazeeers instead of darts.

The government spent so much on fighting wars that they could only get ill-tempered, mutated seabass.
What the hell is that all about?..Dolphins?....Darts? I tell ya what, only in America...only in America!
There are many animal/military schemes. There's a mine sniffing rat, TV camera mouse, Info collecting monkeys etc. Had heard about the dolphins, but not being armed :eek:
Steve Zissou has been using trained dolphins on his underwater adventures for years, since way before the leapord-shark ate his best friend
NEWSFLASH: "American dolphins attack surfers all over Australia"

what is going on, i mean who the hell thought of killer dolphins?
Imagine it, they could be out there right now teaching legions of other fish how to attack and kill! :eek:
A whole army of angry Sea Bass could be lurking with intent, waiting to take revenge on all those fisherman who have happened to take their relatives and friends!!!
johnny said:
There are many animal/military schemes. There's a mine sniffing rat, TV camera mouse, Info collecting monkeys etc. Had heard about the dolphins, but not being armed :eek:

Not forgetting the baboon who is currently in charge of the whole shooting match...
Disney could go to town on this!

If there's a grudge, it'd have to be against tuna fishermen netting relatives ... were those hull piercing darts???

C'mon, we need some movie titles...

Flipper Strikes Back

Dolphin Ninja

I'll be Quack ... well, they kinda quack
Sea Wars

The Drift Net Strikes Back.

Revenge of the Macropod.
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