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Hey just wondering what the last thing people have stolen would be because there is a thread about the last thing bought...

The last thing I stole was a red bull from work
This thread is stupid.

No-one wants to know what you stole. Nor is bragging about it cool.
When I was in year 8 I took a twix bar from safeway. I felt so bad about it I actually went back, bought another one then put it back.

Now that I work full time I pilfer the stationary cupboard on a weekly basis. edit - technically not stealing.. I just go through a lot of notepads.
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ohhhhh myyy god....SH*T THREAD...but i may as well contribute...i stole a 5c lolly from the servo when i was little and went home and told my mum and i got grounded...never again...but f*ck people steal my bikes which is not cool
I stole something from safeway when I was 4.

There was a kinder surprise smashed on the ground, and the toy was on the rack so I pocketed it.

Mum found out, took me back and made the manager give me an angry spiel on stealing, crime, and how I'd be locked up in jail if I ever did it again.

I was mortified, but it worked. Haven't stolen 5c since then.
i stole 10 mins of work time sending an email from my phone in the toilet...i don't feel bad, my lunch hour is rarely longer than 30 minutes anyway.
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