link to 22nd June melb city ride pics


Likes Bikes and Dirt
there are more pics but I gotta plane to catch in 4 hours and i gotta pack, finalise which MTB movies im taking and dont have time to re-size and post more pics.
Oh yeh, i might squeeze in some sleep aswell. :lol:


Likes Dirt
bye bye simo, have fun on that big metalic bird ur gettin on, just remember, skrew ur parents, what do they know, if u dont talk to strangers, ull never make new frends, go for ur life!!!!!!!!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Had to have one of me makin a dick of myself didnt ya Thats me takin a bow (looks more like im holdin my arm) in the white on the hill, after I bailed before I even got to the hill.LMAO :roll:

Have fun on your trip dude, Remeber ever chicke you fuck overseas counts for two here....Or somethine like that.......And on a plane counts for

Have fun dude