Little Things You Hate

I agree, that's pretty rubbish. Pretty much all of my lecturers offer an hour or two of consultation sessions every week. And not being able to give you her name? If someone is in that position it sounds like they shouldn't even be teaching.
We have no idea who the unit coordinator is because on Black board all announcements are signed off by the "unit coordinator" with no name attached. Again there is no contact details for the unit coordinator at all. And as I just said before, the tutors have no idea what is going on. To top it off we dont even know who marks our assesment, it is sent off to a paid marker, who in turn doesnt even write notes, at all. So ridiculous.
You should be able to find the unit coordinator's name from uni admin, go to your student centre and make an enquiry. If that doesn't work, and in fact even if it does, talk to your head of program. Make sure it's official too, fill out the paperwork if required; if it's not written down properly shit won't get done and lazy instructors continue to be lazy pricks, under some bullshit guise of 'self-directed learning'.
Ambiguously worded assignments. The ACTUAL wording is asking for one thing, the very similar and almost certainly intended wording asks for something totally different. Not particularly easy to deal with
Only 5 weeks till I finish uni.....oh wait this should be in things that I love:whip:

I was just about to post the exact same thing. I have countless words to write, minutes to talk and hours of field work to do in the next few weeks. That and the presentation due tomorrow, the prac due tomorrow and the exam I have tomorrow. I'm really hating on uni right now.

EDIT: I hate that and having to know the difference between an unconformity, a disconformity and a noncomformity.
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I hate uni students and there constant bitching about how much work they have to do. If you don't like it quit? just stop complaining that you might actually have to put in some effort to pass a subject.
I hate uni students and there [their] constant bitching about how much work they have to do. If you don't like it quit? just stop complaining that you might actually have to put in some effort to pass a subject.

It's what we do, along with drinking too much, making snarky comments and spelling correctly.
Arseclown office staff.

This directly concerns those in Travel Coordination but considering the amount of ineptitude we normally have to deal with from f***wits back on the beach, I'm declaring a fatwa on them all!

Anyway back to the matter at hand. Tomorrow I'm due to fly off the vessel I've been on for the last 3 weeks for some well needed r'n'r. Unfortunately this means a flight back to Karratha, then one to Perth then a connecting flight back to Melbourne - to arrive back for midnight where my girlfriend will be waiting in a hotel I've booked and paid for (she lives in Sydney and flies back up at the weekend). Alls well and good until people started f***ing around with the flights. First off there's a large crew change tomorrow and seeing as contractors are somehow second-class citizens, we've been bumped back to the 2nd chopper. Luckily this gets in just under half an hour before the Perth flight leaves. As long as you've checked in online and are carrying hand luggage only you can just waltz through. Unless, that is some absolute f***ing imbecile in the office decides to change your flight to the next one without consulting you. This has the knock on effect of me missing the Melbourne flight and being forced wait 6 hours and take the redeye which leaves at midnight, gets in at 6am and completely f***s up not only a well deserved romantic evening (one of only 5 before she flies back) but because it's impossible to sleep properly on the redeye, my first day of leave.

It's a sad fact of the industry that what might save 5 minutes of effort for some clueless office drone often has the knock-on effect of seriously f***ing with the free time of the actual workers (and their families)

It sounds like a bit of a whinge but free time is a valuable commodity when you spend half the year at sea/in remote locations/away from family and friends and it f***ing kills you when you lose it for such stupidly trivial reasons.
Are you an engineer type or just smart, experienced and no longer expected to lift heavy things and get filthy?
Are you an engineer type or just smart, experienced and no longer expected to lift heavy things and get filthy?

with the exception of 'experienced' I'd say none of the above.

Engineers are grown-ups and whilst that usually comes with a salary and often a pretty good one, it's just that. A salary. They're the personal f*** toys of the company - no free time, loads of stress and they usually cop a heap of shit from the techs, contractors and general riff-raff.

I'm a Rope Access Tech / NDT inspector which involves a lot of climbing around, swinging on ropes and sitting around, drinking lots of tea whilst falsely claiming all the down-time as important report-writing. (Depending on your viewpoint NDT stands for either Non-Destructive Testing or Nothing Done Today)

It's not a bad gig. The money's not great but it's not shite either. The work's usually pretty interesting and barring the actions of the occasional clueless numpty back on the beach, the free time's pretty good too.
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Sounds like a good way to get around the whole thing of needing money to live and buy toys.
Do you climb on rocks for pleasure?
For some reason (sot sure why, now that I think of it), I thought you were some kind of covert ops guy.
Or something.

Because he would totally tell us if he was :single_eye:

The whole 'irritated gas field worker' is the perfect cover for an ASIO operation to eliminate jihadist mountain bikers.
Telstra. .................


Dude if they do it to you once more, tell them that they are breaching the contract and you will stop paying until they fix it or you go to the department of fair trading. Its an easy fix
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For some reason (sot sure why, now that I think of it), I thought you were some kind of covert ops guy.
Or something.

I am, although at the moment the authorities prefer to use the term 'stalking' :rolleyes:

What happened to diving?

All my contacts for work (and the work itself) are back in the North Sea. The shite exchange rate with the pound and the constant dicking around over jobs just don't make it worthwhile any more. There's way too much competition within Australia for work and unless you're offshore, the pay is shit and the work's just a bit too dangerous - one of my mates from my dive course was killed back in 2009 whilst on a dam job. Having 15 years experience in Rope Access/NDT also gives me a lot better choice when it comes to picking jobs
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