Little Things You Love


Likes Dirt
These threads have been quite popular on other forums - I guess we'll see. Does not have to be MTB related.

Little things you love:
- Your dad's mate (who you wouldn't expect to have any knowledge of bikes) inspecting your new bike and commenting that there is an issue with your rear hub. Your dad passes on the message to you, and when you go have a look and yet again complain about that annoying rattle that's been around for ages, your dad (who you also wouldn't expect to have any knowledge of bikes) walks over, tightens the hub up, and the rattle is gone.

- Going for a late evening bike-path cruise on a finely tuned, recently cleaned, quiet running bike. Heaven. (I guess you have to be a cyclist to understand however....)
Watching parents absolutely lose it and beat the shit out of their screaming kids at the shops. This pleasure is heightened if the child has red hair.
Watching parents absolutely lose it and beat the shit out of their screaming kids at the shops. This pleasure is heightened if the child has red hair.

The little child is you, right?
And they go further than beating, and it isn't at the shops, right?

You also have red hair.
- Going for a late evening bike-path cruise on a finely tuned, recently cleaned, quiet running bike. Heaven. (I guess you have to be a cyclist to understand however....)
Absolutely agree! Heaven sums it up. Just cruising along on a summer evening with a light breeze and a beautiful sunset.

A few others:
- Riding to the top of a mountain and just sitting down and watching a sunset, then riding home in the dusk.

- Riding in the rain, love the smell of the trails after rain. Not too heavy though, otherwise you start to think of all the cleaning you're going to have to do.

- Laying down on the grass after a long ride.

- Just taking in the atmosphere at a club race.
That time in the afternoon at the skatepark when its too dark for all the scooter kids to be out and there is a red glowing light shooting its way through the park gently lighting it perfectly. Couple of beers with mates and music playing in the background.
when your big sisters hot friends come around and give you hugs and leave their bras and panties on the floor 'sniff, sniff ':D:D:D
Milf joggers..

Sorry but its just intense !! :rolleyes:

Oath. I came to an amazing realisation when driving into my estate the other day. IT'S FULL OF MILF's.

Milf on the left is taking the dog for a walk whilst milf on the right takes the kids for a ride. Milf on the driveway is unloading groceries from the torago while talking to the milf over the fence. So good.

when your big sisters hot friends come around and give you hugs and leave their bras and panties on the floor 'sniff, sniff ':D:D:D
hahaha I couldn't help but laugh at that.
- late afternoon rides around the pavement.
- full day shuttles down the mountain with mates.
- trail building.
- texting friends.
- new bike parts.
- discovering new trails.
- cross country rides in the rain.
- camping.
- archery weekends (campfires, spotlight...)
- Christmas parties.
- family BBQ"s at rellies.
- My job.
- school.
- studying.
- being on the farm.
- hunting.
- soil science.
- being on the bike.
- street rides.
- bush walking.
- knife and axe throwing.
- carpentry.
- metallurgy.
- swimming.