Majura working bee! - 26th November

demo man

Used to be cool.
copy/pasted from CORC website coz i'm lazy. get your fat bottoms to this and help out! :D

A trail working bee will be held on Saturday 26 November at Majura Pines in Canberra, starting at 9am. The area has experienced a large increase in usage since the fires, and some urgent work is needed to remediate some of the XC trails.

The main areas to be worked on is in and around the Pooklestein track (the double-dip gully), at the top and bottom of the Glen and the lower gully crossings. Depending on the number of people who turn up, work will also be done on repairing some of the boggy sections on the trail behind Innabaanya Camp Ground (the Telemark track), and those rutted areas coming down from the firetrail on the Dew Drop-In track. It is proposed that this latter work will comprise of reinforcing the track with compacted blue metal dust, which will be supplied.

Bring along any shovels, garden rakes, mattocks and wheel barrows that you may have. Lunch and drinks will be provided. Meet at the Majura Road race gate.

For any information about the working bee contact either:

Louise Cook on 0400 017 476

Anthony Burton on 6249 8840 (h), or on the day on 0412 701 148.

demo man

Used to be cool.

make sure you get out there!

if you ride Majura Pines, then you should help maintain Majura Pines. free lunch and drinks too!

the more people the more we can do! c'mon!