Middle East situation

Seeing as he is being treated in a hospital, I'd say that's more likely than maybe..
I guess the human shield narrative doesn't work both ways..

I never said he was being used as a human shield, I am saying there is a complete lack of respect for the lives of civilians.
Meanwhile someone in the IDF tied an injured civilian to the bonnet of their 4wd and drove off (maybe to a hospital) instead of organising an ambulance, and drove past multiple ambulances on the way.

This isn't the only place in the world where bad shit is happening but it is one of our allies and we/our government has some influence.
It's not the first time the IDF has been caught doing this.

Rather than accusing the IDF of being the most evil army on earth, I think the better line would be:

The grandchildren of holocaust survivors should at the very least meet, if not exceed, the standards set by the Geneva conventions on war. Anything less would tarnish the sacrifices of the Jews in WW2.

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Surely the army of pol pot and the Khmer rouge would be a solid contender for a medal in the evil Olympics of modern warfare?

The issue shouldn't be is the idf or hamas the most evil, is one right or wrong, it is that currently the idf are perpetrating acts of terror and violence on a civilian population in the name of peace. This (regardless of what hamas has recently done) should be condemned and discouraged by the leaders of nations like Australia. Our country may not have the political or economic clout to stop this shit on our own, but the silence is as good as encouraging it to continue.

Alternatively it will end up like the Yemeni civil war and drop put of our news cycle...and the disasters impressed upon the civilan populace will no longer concern us.
Compared to who exactly? Myanmar, Russia, Syria, China, Iran, the Taliban, Hezbollah, the Houthis, North Korea, Venezuela, the Janjaweed, the Shining Path, the Lord's Resistance Army, whoever is stirring up shit in Kosovo this week?

We know they commit atrocities but there's fuck all we can do about it. Israel on the other hand have our unwavering support both diplomatically and militarily unlike every other entity in that list.
I figured if Jordan Peterson can be posted with a straight face, So can this.

Whatever anyone thinks of Shanks, he was dead on about Barilaro and the NSW LNP gubbinment; he was dead on about the crooks of coronation construction company, and while he is a lot more careful since the coronation fuckwits burned his house down, he gives an outline of how there is much to be concerned about re Israel lobby groups here and in the USA.
Whatever anyone thinks of Shanks, he was dead on about Barilaro and the NSW LNP gubbinment; he was dead on about the crooks of coronation construction company, and while he is a lot more careful since the coronation fuckwits burned his house down, he gives an outline of how there is much to be concerned about re Israel lobby groups here and in the USA.
I would prefer he point out Labor shortcomings a bit more, a la Michael West.

But there can be no denying he does his research and shines a very bright light on some uncomfortable truths.

The same cannot be said about Jordan Peterson, a dangerous, twisted individual that I truly wish used his substantial intellect for good rather than ill.
What would make you think he has ill intent? The fact you guys praise Jordies and loath Peterson is fucking hilarious..
The vid I posted actually has very little input from him, it's more about the bloke he is interviewing, but yea, go ahead and shoot it down due to the name at the top.

This is the problem with media and why there is so much polarisation. So much of our media is biased one way or another. You think Peterson is mostly unbiased, others thing FJordies is mostly unbiased and we are all happy to send links to what bias we agree with and ignore the ones we don't.

Ultimately the facts are what counts. Both Palestine and Israel have done horrible things in the last 70 years. It is not worth arguing who is worse as that is aside from the point.

Who has more power?
Who has killed more civilians?
Who do we have more influence over?
The answers are clearly Israel for all 3. Ignoring biased it is clear that the best course of action is to focus our efforts on where we can make the most change and steer Israel onto a course to minimise killing civilians and committing war crimes. This doesn't need to be a "Left vs right" debate despite people trying to make it one.
What would make you think he has ill intent? The fact you guys praise Jordies and loath Peterson is fucking hilarious..
The vid I posted actually has very little input from him, it's more about the bloke he is interviewing, but yea, go ahead and shoot it down due to the name at the top.
He's a climate change denier that thinks discrimination is fine.
He's a climate change denier that thinks discrimination is fine.

Yep. Tell us how a truth telling comedian is just as bad as a bigoted climate denier @fastrider gus? Come on, some examples of why you find it hilarious?

Maybe you will find this an interesting read.

What do you mean? I never said he was just as bad, or that either of them are necessarily "bad". It's just fascinating how you summed it up right there with "truth telling" and "bigoted climate denier".
They're both basically just content creators. Jordies is entertaining but I wouldn't be so quick to lap up everything he says as gospel. The only reason I shared the Peterson video is the bloke he is interviewing has a pretty good perspective, I'm not living my life by Peterson's 50 step process to being a responsible adult or whatever. You guys are so fucking dead set on who's "left" and worth listening to or who's "right" and needs to be set on fire.

We're accustomed to the internet and have ways of filtering the bullshit out; our own spam filter essentially. If you don't filter anything with JPs name (amongst many others) on it out you are either deep down the toilet of right wing shit or have a lot of time on your hands to filter through shit. No one sensible wants their name attached to people like that.
Sorry champ, I'm not part of the lefties club so I wasn't aware he has been shunned from society..

I'm sure I'd happily have him as a neighbour, but that doesn't mean it is worth listening to his social commentary or the views he pushes.
Sorry champ, I'm not part of the lefties club so I wasn't aware he has been shunned from society..
Ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf? When somebody has been caught presenting misinformation on a number of topics it's pretty hard to take them seriously.
Ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf? When somebody has been caught presenting misinformation on a number of topics it's pretty hard to take them seriously.

Claims like Hamas indoctrinated the world and captured western universities are silly language and I'm not wasting my time on a long podcast when that's the premise in the description.

Anyway good you aren't a huge fan of Peterson's advice for life Gus, I don't watch all Jordies videos either and luckily he doesn't offer advice for life ;)

The United Nation’s top court filed a ruling Friday that echoed what Palestinian advocates have been saying for decades: Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land, including its settlements in the West Bank, is illegal and must end.

The International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion also called for reparations for Palestinians who have lived under Israel’s occupation since it began in 1967, an unprecedented step for the court. The court also notably declared Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinians to be a form of segregation and apartheid. It further ruled that nations cannot offer aid in support of the illegal occupation without violating international law, and upheld the Palestinians’ right to self-determination.

Advisory opinions from the ICJ are not legally binding and cannot, in itself, force a country to act. But their legal and moral weight can have significant influence on countries’ decisions and foreign policy.

Jessica Peake, an international law professor at UCLA Law, said the ruling has the potential to shift the international community’s ability to push for Palestinian statehood. She added that the ruling exceeded her expectations, specifically around the issue of the Israeli government’s systemic abuses toward Palestinians.

“What was particularly surprising was that they basically made a finding that Israel is creating a situation of apartheid against Palestinians within Israel,” Peake said, “because of the racially discriminatory laws and policies in place that basically treat Palestinians as second-class citizens.”