Minitruckers on Farkin? Round II


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G'Day fellow Farkin'ers.

Now First of all, I realise this will probably be locked, I hope this is not the case. But firstly I want to have my say.

Parts of the "minitruck" that were posted in the previous thread was MY project truck. I have owned this truck since 02.

Several pictures of the exterior was of my truck, and the pics of the chassis fabrication was from another fairly well known truck in the US.

So don't worry about a car with dodgy welds cruising the streets, also if you happen to see my car on the road in the future, don't hold it against me lol.

I'd like to say to the fellow who has claimed to have owned my truck...

Don't try to claim something thats not yours, you can never pull it off, especially this time as you picked a very well known truck from a few years ago.

Also, having material things doesn't impress anyone. People will like you for who you are, not what you have.

By no means don't be put off by this though, get out to ECC as you have planned, enjoy the weekend. Its a great time for all envolved.

Aka. Laynrail.


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Hey mate, I was onto him when he posted the first truck up. I made a post trying to bring peoples attention that it wasn't actually his, but I deleted it not long after.

I wrote out a bit list of shit which was evidence that it wasn't actually his truck. He then posted up the work that you had done so I started thinking that maybe he was legit. After that I delete my original post's.The pitch on the roof was bullshit steep, the flag that was being flown was not Australian (makes sense to have an Aussie flag in the yard if you want one on display), the tree in the front yard was something you'd see in the States, the vehicle was parked on the wrong side of the road facing the wrong way (eg in Aus, drivers side door would be facing out towards the road if you pull straight left to the kerb) etc etc...the whole thing was just suss.

The guy is a douche and I'm fairly sure he's done this type of thing before. It must have been frustrating seeing someone else trying to claim your work.

Anyway, nice work. Credit to you.
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I wasn't annoyed about him trying to claim my truck as his own. Seriously I couldn't care.

What bothered me was he posted up pics of my truck, along with pics of ANOTHER truck with dodgy work.

This makes my hard work look bad.

People get really touchy about having unsafe work on the streets (I myself as well), I didn't want to be known as the guy with his truck driving down the street that could fall apart at any minute!

No bad blood between myself and that guy. Just a lesson learnt on his behalf I think.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
a little off topic for now this thread will proberly get locked again

on another note... i see heaps of mini trucks around my area... some really nice ones too

PINT of Stella. mate!

Many, many Scotches
Alright, I'll* keep this thread open as long as everybody who enters it showers first and clears all that pesky sand from their vaginas.

Any bitching and/or whinging and it goes the same way as the other one.

*you are, of course at the mercy of all the other mods too...


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Alright, I'll* keep this thread open as long as everybody who enters it showers first and clears all that pesky sand from their vaginas.

Any bitching and/or whinging and it goes the same way as the other one.

*you are, of course at the mercy of all the other mods too...

sounds painfull!


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I wasn't annoyed about him trying to claim my truck as his own. Seriously I couldn't care.

What bothered me was he posted up pics of my truck, along with pics of ANOTHER truck with dodgy work.

This makes my hard work look bad.

People get really touchy about having unsafe work on the streets (I myself as well), I didn't want to be known as the guy with his truck driving down the street that could fall apart at any minute!

No bad blood between myself and that guy. Just a lesson learnt on his behalf I think.
I'm not a fan of minitrucks because of the stigma attached to them with dodgy work and asshole drivers, but you, I've never met yet have enormous respect for.
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
Alright, I'll* keep this thread open as long as everybody who enters it showers first and clears all that pesky sand from their vaginas.

Any bitching and/or whinging and it goes the same way as the other one.

*you are, of course at the mercy of all the other mods too...



guys, try not to relate “dodgy” work with minitruck, a very large percent of us have very high standards when it comes to building our ride structurally sound and we try so hard not to associate our name with such labels

from an engineers point of view, when done correctly- they’re actually stronger then factory. In Australia we have very strict regulations we must follow in order to pass inspection. The only issue the authorises have with our vehicle is the height we are able to ride at, not that it will fall apart but if all the bags fail at once…

Our rides are looked over by approved inspectors issued by the RTA, so if any of us get defected then its their neck/ lively hood at risk- they have more to lose then the owner

we discourage un-engineered or any unsafe methods, the truckin community has really lifted their game over the yrs and will continue to turn this reputation around

of course we invite anyone too ECC who wants to see 1st hand, the level of work we put into our rides, it is a fantastic weekend for all types of motor enthusiasts

I apologise for having ago on these forums towards the guy for claming to have built/ own these rides, as you can understand its upsetting for people like this to mislead others and damage the reputation of the true owners…

Greg’s truck is well known with-in our scene, not only is his work/skills respected but he brings a friendly & helpful attitude too everyone he comes across. he's a good mate of mine and too many