Mount Keira


Likes Dirt
Are you male or female?
o Male

What age category do you fit into?
o 25-30

Approximately how often do you ride down Mount Keira every month?
o 6 or so - don't ride the holy highway much anymore though as it's just that....a highway, it would be almost quicker on a hardtail.

Do you usually ride:
o alone/With friends

What other activities would you participate in if you were not riding?
o windsurfing, exercise, friends, family

Since you have started riding, have you entered any Downhill Competitions?
o No

Would you be keen to join a downhillers club if there was one suitable for you?
o Yes
Do you believe Mount Keira’s environment has been damaged due to downhillers?
o Define damaged. I would define the current state of Holy Trail as 'boned' as it gets so much traffic these days it's just wrecked. All the straight lines, all the trees that got cut down etc, it's not irrepareable though. Uni track for example has remained almost the same for the last 10 years, it does get a lot less traffic though as it's a far more difficult track to ride. All of the other tracks have also remained in a similar state.

I think holy suffers from two problems, little kids with big dreams and not much of an action plan and the effect on the residents and the bottom of the track. In all honesty they are bloody accommodating, imagine if in your street every weekend from early in the morning to the arvo you have cars/trailers shuttling loud cyclists. I know i'd be pissed. That's why I think everyone has to make an effort to have as little impact on them as possible, vary your pickup point (around the corner sometimes), don't hang around doing cutties on the grass there etc etc. I've spoken to a few of them before and they seem ok with it as long as people are respectful but all it takes is a couple of heroes with big mouths and shit goes pear shaped. Something to think about.


Likes Dirt
Mountain Biking Survey

Mountain Biking Survey

Are you male or female?

What age category do you fit into?

Approximately how often do you ride down Mount Keira every month?
20 times nearly every arvo

Do you usually ride:
With friends

What other activities would you participate in if you were not riding?
ps3 and wii

Since you have started riding, have you entered any Downhill Competitions?
no not yet

Would you be keen to join a downhillers club if there was one suitable for you?

Do you believe Mount Keira’s environment has been damaged due to downhillers?
No, it has only been impacted by ppl making dumb tracks that no1 rides and they cut down tree for nothing but over all no


Likes Dirt
Are you male or female?
o Male

What age category do you fit into?
o 15 - 20

Approximately how often do you ride down Mount Keira every month?
o 5

Do you usually ride:
o With friends? or;
o Alone?

What other activities would you participate in if you were not riding?
o Using the computer
o Using an Xbox/Play station etc
o Sport/exercise
o Socialising (going out)
o Family events
o Other (general chilling)

Since you have started riding, have you entered any Downhill Competitions?
o Yes

Would you be keen to join a downhillers club if there was one suitable for you?
o Yes

Do you believe Mount Keira’s environment has been damaged due to downhillers?
o Yes


Likes Bikes and Dirt
however of course its Downhillers doing the damage. Who do you think is building the ridiculous lines?:confused:

Yes simply riding a well built trail will do stuff all damage. But pre-pubes ripping down trees, building stupid straight lines all over the place is damaging the environment up there.
Yah, agreed, but as you say "pre-pubes ripping down trees..." this may be a technicality but I dont associate these people (regardless of age) with "downhillers".
To explain myself I'll put it into the context of the question "Do you believe that Mt Keira's environment has been damaged due to downhillers?" as I said- No, we've been riding there for years with minimal impact. Had the question said "Do you believe that Mt Keira's environment has been damaged due to poor trail building practises?" then my answer is a resounding YES and I've been quite vocal about it many times. It is the act of cutting down trees and clearing bushland that ( in my opinion) leads to erosion moreso than the act of actually riding. As I said, a technicality...

There is considerable erosion in the lower mt Keira area but I still think we (ie. riders) come out looking pretty good in comparison to what the land has been used for in the past.

nskz touched on a good point about an action plan, even getting a LandCare group in operation in the area would work wonders.


Likes Dirt
Are you male or female?
o Male

What age category do you fit into?
o 20 – 25

Approximately how often do you ride down Mount Keira every month?
o 4

Do you usually ride:
o With friends? or;

What other activities would you participate in if you were not riding?
o Sport/exercise- fishing , surfing bush walking
o Socialising – hanging out with friends and family
o Working on my house

Since you have started riding, have you entered any Downhill Competitions?
o Yes

Would you be keen to join a downhillers club if there was one suitable for you?
o Yes

Do you believe Mount Keira’s environment has been damaged due to downhillers?
o Yes and no
o In some extent I think it has with people cutting in new lines when the old one was fine.


Likes Bikes
Mountain Bike Survey

Are you male or female?
o Male
What age category do you fit into?
o 15 - 20

Approximately how often do you ride down Mount Keira every month?
o 6 or more

Do you usually ride:
o With friends

What other activities would you participate in if you were not riding?
o Using the computer
o Sport/exercise
o Family events

Since you have started riding, have you entered any Downhill Competitions?
o Yes

Would you be keen to join a downhillers club if there was one suitable for you?
o Yes

Do you believe Mount Keira’s environment has been damaged due to downhillers?
o No


Likes Dirt
Are you male or female?
o Male

What age category do you fit into?
o 15 - 20

Approximately how often do you ride down Mount Keira every month?
o 6 or more

Do you usually ride:
o With friends

What other activities would you participate in if you were not riding?
o Using the computer
o Sport/exercise
o Socialising
o Family events

Since you have started riding, have you entered any Downhill Competitions?
o Yes

Would you be keen to join a downhillers club if there was one suitable for you?
o Yes

Do you believe Mount Keira’s environment has been damaged due to downhillers?
o Yes


Likes Dirt
Do you believe Mount Keira’s environment has been damaged due to downhillers?
No, it has only been impacted by ppl making dumb tracks that no1 rides and they cut down tree for nothing but over all no
What people, aside from downhillers, would make tracks?

Yah, agreed, but as you say "pre-pubes ripping down trees..." this may be a technicality but I dont associate these people (regardless of age) with "downhillers".

There is considerable erosion in the lower mt Keira area but I still think we (ie. riders) come out looking pretty good in comparison to what the land has been used for in the past.
I'm sorry to argue this, because I agree that the majority of riders display some knowledge of sustainable trailbuilding, but just because you don't class them as DHers doesn't mean they don't think of themselves as DHers. I'm sorry, but as with everything, it's the poor actions of a few that shine a foul light on everyone else. Just because most DHers in the area set a 'reasonable' standard, there are some who go and @#%$ everything up for the rest of us..

And I don't agree with using the excuse of "we aren't as bad as the people before us"... because, even though our impact is less, we are still making an impact..


Likes Dirt
And I don't agree with using the excuse of "we aren't as bad as the people before us"... because, even though our impact is less, we are still making an impact..
We might be making an impact but there is a difference between 'making an impact' and irreparably altering the landscape. Take the mining for instance, you only have to walk around the area up there to find remnants of that era scattered all over the place. Now if we stopped riding the tracks, left them for 20 years and came back, apart from possibly few mounds of dirt, maybe a couple of planks of wood, do you really think you could tell that there was ever a track there?...I don't think so.

Captain Sensible

Likes Dirt
You guys are debating the sustainability of riding on <50 year old coal wash and regrowth? It's unsightly to see trees removed but in the greater ecological context there's not much damage being done. A few years and you won't be able to find the trail, unlike if there was real environmental harm. Most of the trails are away from major drainage areas and most of the canopy cover is intact along the trail.

Anyway, I'm with Maxwolfie: WHAT IS THIS FOR?

Lastly, I think there could already be a club for DH riders in the Illawarrra, and a rather good, well established one at that. We just need a trail, and it will come soon enough.


Breezeway Bandit
You guys are debating the sustainability of riding on <50 year old coal wash and regrowth?
It would be worth considering what the plan is for that area. I would think it would be rehabilitation from the mine workings. Its not really rehabilitating if its being defoliated by noobs on a daily basis. Thats what I would think would be one of the concerns to the residents and land managers on that part of the mountain.

A smaller footprint (tyreprint?) couldn't hurt.

Captain Sensible

Likes Dirt
That land still goes up for sale every now and then it seems, and is presently in some state of limbo. I make my stance clear on track work- just don't do it. And those poor teenagers who I sometimes catch up Redsands with an axe, really, I could be nicer to them ;)

I suppose I'm saying we're lucky that the little buggers who insist on trashing trails whilst trying to "fix" them aren't impacting on ecologically sensitive habitats. Yeah, that's my point, I think. Or maybe I'm just doing my best not to get angry about it, as these track-wrecking twerps piss off riders, walkers, residents and land owners and really make my blood boil...

EDIT: having just read what I wrote, I think I failed not to get angry :)
Last edited:


geez guys ive told you what this is for ahha
this survey was for my junior geography project
thanks to everyone for completing it


Likes Dirt
Wow... there's *so* much you could do with all those answers, dhxpert.

Not sure which angle you took for the assignment (and I've never ridden there, so I can't comment about what has/hasn't been damaged or what state the area is/was in), but there is *so* much you could do with those responses.

I found it interesting lunch-time reading and esp. looking at the last question about "... environment has been damaged by dh'ers" and specifically at the age-groupings of those answers. I didn't bother to count them up, but it seemed *most* of the 15-20's were more-or-less a simple "No" and *most* of the 20+ were various shades of "yes/maybe/depends". You could've done a lot with that as a geography "environmental awareness" assignment and explore the reasons behind it the difference in opinion across those age brackets:
* different interpretations of 'damage' (as a couple of the posts towards the end, debated)
* different interpretations of 'environment', maybe -- if it has already been wrecked once, is it still an 'environment'? How long does a 'wrecked' area need to recover before it can be considered worthy of protecting? ...before it again becomes an 'environment'?
* a reluctance to see what might (or might not) be there (I've never been there, remember so it's not my call to make... really not trying to start a flame-war, here)
* concern over where this information might end up and what it might get used for. So... I guess that would make it protection of what they've got and worry ('mistrust' is prob'ly a bit strong) of groups with the authority to shut it down.

(Also found it interesting because those are all issues very relevant to my home trails, too.)

Not trying to start anything... just found it really interesting that the age-groups answered consistently differently. :)


Likes Dirt
That was a real well put post aceyone, and it's nice to see it worded like that from an outsider to the issue at hand. It would make for an interesting survey, finding out the difference in opinions which you picked up on.


thanks to everyone for your opinions on the topic.
it was really interesting to see all the varied responses :)
the assignment went reaaallllyyy well - 98% - so thanks for helping me out


Cannon Fodder
Mountain Biking Survey

Are you male or female?
o Male

What age category do you fit into?

o 15 - 20
Approximately how often do you ride down Mount Keira every month?
o 6 or more

Do you usually ride:
o With friends

What other activities would you participate in if you were not riding?
I don’t know
Since you have started riding, have you entered any Downhill Competitions?
o Yes

Would you be keen to join a downhillers club if there was one suitable for you?
o Yes

Do you believe Mount Keira’s environment has been damaged due to downhillers?
o No


Likes Dirt
Mountain Biking Survey

Are you male or female?
o Male-
o Female

What age category do you fit into?
o 10 – 15 - 13
o 15 - 20
o 20 – 25
o 25 – 30
o 30 – 35
o 35 – 40
o Above 40

Approximately how often do you ride down Mount Keira every month?
o 0
o 1-
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5
o 6 or more

Do you usually ride:
o With friends? or;
o With family? or;
o Alone?-usually

What other activities would you participate in if you were not riding?
o Using the computer
o Using an Xbox/Play station etc
o Sport/exercise – motorbike rideo Socialising (please specify)
o Family events
o Other (please specify)

Since you have started riding, have you entered any Downhill Competitions?
o Yes
o No- soon

Would you be keen to join a downhillers club if there was one suitable for you?
o Yes :D
o No

Do you believe Mount Keira’s environment has been damaged due to downhillers?
o Yes - no
o No