mt joyce


XMAS Plumper
Nice one Hippie! The trails are all very dry and getting chopped up here at the moment. The sandier soils like Mt Joyce tend to fare worse than most after the dry period.


Likes Dirt
it was a fairly drizzly Winter in Central Victoria so I was kinda surprised to find all the trails I stopped in at in NSW and QLD to be so dry. Still a lot of fun and what the trails are like at home a lot of the time so no biggie in that respect.

Might get to stop back in to Mt Joyce on the way back to Vic. Hope the east coast gets some good rain soon!


Likes Dirt
your website is a great read hippie, I enjoyed your impression of gap creek and daisy hill, they were my local trails 3 years ago and will be again as i'm moving back to bris next year.


Likes Dirt
your website is a great read hippie, I enjoyed your impression of gap creek and daisy hill, they were my local trails 3 years ago and will be again as i'm moving back to bris next year.
hey thanks callum.

Brissy was a real surprise! Gap Creek, Bunyaville and Daisy Hill - that's pretty cool, not even considering the trails at the Sunshine, Gold Coast and Mt Joyce. Could live in Brissy I reckon!