MTBA seeks help in information distribution


Staff member
MTBA is about to embark on an Australia wide project to identify bike
shops and other businesses that would be interested in having MTBA
information sent to them for the benefit of their clients.

By the end of 2006 we will have developed sets of promotional
material for Trails Access and Advocacy, the 2006/2007 National MTB
season and the about to be announced 2007 MTBA Marathon series. All
these will add to your client's MTB experience and encourage them to
see your shop or business as a focal point for national, and as the
project evolves, state level mountain biking information.

If you want to be part of this project just contact MTBA with the the
name(s) of the principal contacts and your contact details (both
electronic and postal).

Tony Scott
Executive Officer
Mountain Bike Australia