my first dj


its not finished yet but its getting close

Frame - 2011 octane one void 3.0
fork - argyle 302
Handlebars -npj wonderbar
Stem - npj
Headset - mankind
Grips - odi longneck
Saddle - federal slim
Seatpost -octane one
Cranks - deity vendetta
Chain - superlight
Pedals - duo reslite
Front hub -npj
Rear hub - npj single speed
Front rim - sun ringle mtx 33
Rear rim - sun ringle mtx 33
Tyres - table top
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Likes Dirt
nice ride dude :) but seriously mate i would stay away from the vendetta's. i have two bent vendetta spindles in my shed, they arent as good as they say!


ive got a demolition hollow spindle instead of a deity one so hopefully it wont snap and i dont ride it that often anyway