Need a new SS 29er frame to repalce broken Unit


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Have you considered Ventana??
Reasonably light.
And I never felt that the ride on mine was "harsh" which has always been the argument against Aluminium.

C Dunlop

Likes Dirt
voodoo soukri is a good suggestion. i've ridden a dambala, the predecessor, which is just a different colour as far as i can tell. rides real smooth, nice frame, cheap too. water bottle mounts are a bit pooh.

el mariachi weighs 2550g in L. pretty thougn

ventana is ~$1500 and weighs 2100g. friggen nice bikes though.


Dirt Works
Salsa El Mariachi?

The new swinging dropout models are getting great feedback from those that have ridden them. Not silly light, but not boat anchors either...

Salsa geometry lends itself more to "ride all day". (as opposed to hardcore XC racer doooood)

And the new retail pricing makes them even more attractive - ($795)

Just a thought...


C Dunlop

Likes Dirt
frame is 2.55kg of that. Heavy frame, but other than that absolutely rawesome. Geo is dialled, ride is smooth, dropouts are sweet, looks really cool etc...


Likes Dirt

- Joel

Pretty close Joel. Actually 11.70kg according to my highly accurate (but not bike specific) hanging scale. Have a charge Knife saddle (in brown) on the way too which should drop 50-100g :p

Frame weight is 2.42kg.
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