New wallride


Likes Dirt
Just a quick video from today on my new wallride I built on my own
Fells good but if you watch my front wheel I need to raise the top of the wall:eek:

thats nuts, must of taken a while to get the wall made because you would've
had to have pretty decent supports to not make it break under the strain.
good stuff.


Likes Dirt
that is such a sick wallride!

would you recommend something like that for a beginner? or something a little less vertical as that looks solid and relatively straight forward.


Likes Dirt
Man i love it. I hit it yesterday its such a weird sensation riding something that vertical. well done. Check around the pedally track we built a distance jump. its pretty sweet i hit it to 19 feet and a mate hit it to 22 feet so u should give it a go.
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Likes Dirt
Not the best photos but I took these on my phone

It took me about 2 hours on my own as I had drawn up plans and already had the timber stacked there ready. This didn't include the time it took to do the berm.


Likes Bikes
Yeah Man great build, I love hitting it..... But I have this thing, I'm really good at falling off it :D:D I've been told it's good to watch but hahaha


Likes Dirt
looks sweet, wish mine was that good

my advice for the video, if you film it again, go from the bush so the photographer is facing it, makes it easier to see, wont feel as rushed when you look at it, and he wont have to move as much

learnt myself over time