New wheelset?!?!?


Likes Dirt

today my deemax rear hub stuffed up and i was wondering what new wheelset i should get, i dont want new deemax becuse of the price and all, but im hoping to get them by next weekend (barjarg). so i wont be albe to order them from canada or anything. my price range sint mega high, and i also want ones with other colors then just black, but still let me know if theres some awesome wheels even if there black.



Likes Dirt
For DH you can't go past -

Mavic EX729s or EX721s on Hadleys, Hope Pro 2s.

These may be hard to order in through your LBS quickly plus rather expensive. Unless you find a second hand set of wheels or hubs and rims that you can build up in time. If you want it by next weekend then consider just getting a rear wheel as your front is fine yes?

and if you want to save on buying new rims then find a new hub to lace up to the DeeMax rim.