Niner cya insert and BB install question


Likes Dirt
Hello everyone.

I'm installing a good old Shimano m770 external BB crankset in my new Niner air9. I'm using inserts provided to me with the frame. The drive side has ~1mm flange and non drive has no flange and presses in flush. I was also supplied with a ~1mm spacer.

So which side does the spacer go on?

Common sense would tell me the drive side, as this is normally where a 2.5mm spacer goes with a 73mm shell (see:

However I seem to recall someone knowledgeable telling me it goes on the non-drive side. I do trust my common sense more than both my sieve-like memory and arguments from authority, but I am still not quite sure.

The Niner encyclopedia ( isn't helping me out a great deal; and in fact my inserts don't look like any of those listed.

Anyone know for sure?
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Just had a thought. Since the non-drive side insert has no flange, without the shim (which is larger than the internal diamter of the bb shell) there is nothing stopping the whole bb assembly creeping to the right apart from the force of the press fit.

Thinking it must go on the non-drive side now.