STOLEN Norco Manik - Melbourne


Breaker of the unbreakable

Bike: 07 Norco Manik - Medium
Colour: Light brown with chrome rims. All black components.
Date it was stolen: 11:05pm - Saturday 8th of November, 2008
Where it was stolen: Southbank, Melbourne.
Specs: Stock.
Other Info: I am posting this up for a friend. He and I were sitting on the Red Stage at Southbank, with out bikes next to us. A group of about 8 late teens (of Greek appearance) approached us, 2 of them jumped on our bikes and rode off. We tried to give chase, but their other 6 or so mates held us back. I got out my phone to call 000 but they snatched it off me..
We ran up Southbank, and across the bridge towards Flinders St Station, following a path of my gloves, helmet etc. We ran through the underground, and saw one of the thieves sitting on my bike at the Flinders Street side gates.
When he saw me, he floored it up towards Swanson street, whilst I ran my ass off after him yelling "STOP! THIEF!". He then rode past the main steps, passing 2 Police officers. We all chased him towards the Yarra River. He went down the staircase right next to Clocks Taberet, but dumped my bike at the top. We now had a chance to speak to the Police, and give an official report on the incident.

I am so lucky to have gotten my bike back, but unfortunately, my mates Manik has not been seen since Southbank. :(
Please help me find his bike, he is my best mate and his bike means everything to him. We are both very traumatised by the incident.

Any information, witnesses or advice will be greatly appreciated.

Sorry about the blurry picture!
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
oh thats shit as! atleast you got yours back todd.

i'll keep my eye out when im hoballing along. ill hit 'im with me crutches!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Fock it. Fockin' bastards.

Al would be so cut about it, looks like I'm not the only one finished with riding...


Likes Bikes and Dirt
F**kin' bastards!!! I'll be in the city riding on Sunday so I'll keep an eye out... even though it seems that these people aren't actually interested in riding :(

Hell of an effort chasing the guy down though, that's a bloody long way to run. You're free to join us on our ride on Sunday as well... me and Karnige182 (Jase) are going... definately keep the eyes peeled for it.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
glad to here you got your bike back.
Those bastards will pay if they get caught.
best of luck.

Try the local skateparks, PCYC, arcades (if there is such a thing in vic), malls.
Try to think where the thief would normally congregate during the day.
Also check cash converters and websites (ebay) daily for any leaks.

cheers and good luck.


Ripe 'n ready!
hey mate i live in brunswick and will keep my eye out. I also frequent the city and always pay attention to peoples rides.
Do you have anymore details on the bike, ie any custom things, any scratches, anything that stands out. What size was it?


Breaker of the unbreakable
First off, thanks for everyone's concern! :)
Unfortunately, the bike is 100% stock. No custom stickers or anything... bike is a size Medium though.
Also, the police probably don't have the time or resources to check security footage etc. But they were very understanding, and a great help at the time, so thank you!

If anyone see's anything suspicious on eBay or pawn shops, please don't hesitate to tell me. I'm fairly sure this bike won't be ridden, and will instead be straight up for sale.
Thanks again everyone, keep your eyes open! :eek:

EDIT: if you ever see someone running after their stolen bike, drop everything and help chase the bastard.
You feel utterly alone and hopeless chasing after your stolen bike while everyone just watches like it's a TV show.
I don't want anyone to have to go through what I did on that night.
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
EDIT: if you ever see someone running after their stolen bike, drop everything and help chase the bastard.
You feel utterly alone and hopeless chasing after your stolen bike while everyone just watches like it's a TV show.
I don't want anyone to have to go through what I did on that night.
Damn right brother. I've had people ask me if they could steal my bike as a joke with their friends because my bike looked so good. I hope I never witness or be the victim of bikes being stolen but if it does ever happen, you're gonna want to be on my side. :)


Likes Bikes and Dirt
fark toddi that sucks for you and your mate... more so for your mate who didnt get his bike back... i hope the bike turns up


Likes Dirt
Man that must suck.
Ill keep an eye out here in the western suburbs as there are not many riders here and especially with a manik.


far out man, my condolences.
Just a thought tho, maybe it would be a good idea to post pics of the owner, so that if we're on the lookout for the bike and haven't checked the thread within say a couple days or something we don't beat the crap outta its rightful owner thinking we got the thief.
cos seriously, if I see the wanker that stole this bike riding around, hes gonna be in hospital...

good luck man, hope the bike turns up.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
far out man, my condolences.
Just a thought tho, maybe it would be a good idea to post pics of the owner, so that if we're on the lookout for the bike and haven't checked the thread within say a couple days or something we don't beat the crap outta its rightful owner thinking we got the thief.
cos seriously, if I see the wanker that stole this bike riding around, hes gonna be in hospital...

good luck man, hope the bike turns up.
The real owner don't look like no muzz.. ;)


one of those boys your mother warned you about
Hey mate, keep an eye in pawn shops...and just spread the word around, i'll get me and my mates to keep an eye out for a manik, as we VERY rarely see them on the southern peninsula, remember, pawn shops bro!...f**kin scummers


Likes Dirt
That sucks mate. Will keep an eye out for it in the city when I'm out and about.

Did your mate have the serial code from under the bottom bracket? If so make sure you give it to the cops.