nose piercing


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a friend of mine is geting her nose pierced and im trying to convince her not dto do it, coz personaly i recon she looks good as she is. or am i bieng paranoid and stupid.
peoples oppinions on weather nose piercings make chicks look betta or worse please.


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Well I may be slightly biased as a bit of a human pincushion myself, but if she wants it, then it's none of your damn business.

People should be allowed to do what they wish with their own bodies and not have to put up with the insecurities and ignorance of others, especially when the result of said actions has no impact on anyone but the person who wants the modification.

Unless you have genuine, researched beliefs that having the piercing will be a serious risk to her health or well being and do not feel she has enough knowledge about your concerns, butt out.

So let her do what she wants.
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of course i intend to let her do what she wants, she is a good friend of mine- why would i disrespect that. this was simply a thread to c peoples oppinions on weather they thing girls look better with or without nose studs. i asked this because my friends are about 50/50 on this matter. FRANKLY I DONT MIND WHAT SHE DOES with her body because it is just that- HER BODY, and i respect that.
i think u got the wrong end of the stick buddy.


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sasser said:
a friend of mine is geting her nose pierced and im trying to convince her not dto do it, coz personaly i recon she looks good as she is. or am i bieng paranoid and stupid.

Seems like you were looking to justify/disvalue your own opinions/actions. I was saying that your opinion does not justify any action.

I think male or female it depends on the face. IMO nasal piercings look good on a person with a rounder face or on a nose with defined nostril flares. For want of a better term, more "tribal" looking facial features. I think they can look out of place on people with narrow faces and thin straight noses.
DONT GET IT!!! Saw this chik going into a shop who had recently had it done... It had got infected and the skin around it was black n shit was coming out of it... Most disgusting site eva... Heard from the owner a week later she had to have the chunk of skin taken out and a piece of arse put thier!!!