Onterrible Video Magazine


Likes Dirt
cool stuff
like at the end with the tour group and he's changing the tyre with the ciggie :p


token forum girl
ha ha ha everything in that vid is from where i live! some guys i race with made it! There may be an Onterrible 2 in the works and there's talk that they may put #1 up online when they're all gone...


Likes Bikes and Dirt
download complete...
ooohh fullly w00t. that first stair gap:


Annoys the hell out of Grip!
when you see that stairgap for the first time and the dude does a massive bunnyhop flatty..... thats the coolest!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
yeh that guy on the hardtail without any protective gear at all
has great boost from his legs to get the bike so nice and high
its like he has springs for legs


token forum girl
he he he they filmed a bunch of that last fall (er... october/november to us over here) - the guy forbes with the orange shirt is on my bike team, i race with a bunch of the other guys too

fun to see people you know in movies! I have the original full length (1hr) movie they put out last summer (here in august)... good stuff...