Pantera calle

pink poodle

How did you find out??? Client confidentiality my arse!!!

I may get an over the shoulder strap for this one. At least if it's connected to me I'll have hold of it! And be less likely to injure myself rising to the occasion.


Knows his Brassica oleracea
A new chapter in the life of pink poodle begins. Stay tuned as he continues the endless cycle of riding to work on a bike people don't understand!
it's your choice to keep riding thief magnet bikes to work, and it's my/our choice to keep suggesting that you ride a shitter bike to work because you keep getting your nice bikes stolen... ;)


Captain oblivious
it's your choice to keep riding thief magnet bikes to work, and it's my/our choice to keep suggesting that you ride a shitter bike to work because you keep getting your nice bikes stolen... ;)
What are you like at the dark arts of welding and fabrication?
I can lend you this if you wish