Phone Contract Question


Likes Dirt
Hello all,

I purchased an iPhone 3G (Optus) on a $49 cap over 24 months in august/september of 2008.
Recently in the last few months i changed my rate plan to the $59 cap with Mobile Internet Pack, which i suspect is for the rest of the contract period, or does it start for another 12 months or 24 months, im not too sure.
I am in the market for a new phone as i bought a blackberry as a temporary phone until i got my iphone fixed or until my contract ran out.
My question is this:
If i change my rate plan, does it mean that it is for another 12/24 month period after that date or does it just mean that the rate plan i chose will be the one i use until my contract runs out in august or september.

All info is much appreciated and i thank you in advance.

Cheers Scott


Likes Dirt
I'd be very surprised if it extended the original term. Usually mobile phone contracts give you the ability to vary (generally upwards from the original price) the monthly cap rate without penalty.

Best bet is just to give them a call but my guess is Sep 2010 is when you will go off contract.
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