Pimpin 21st themes


Likes Dirt
My 21st is coming up and I've been racking my brain for weeks trying to think up a theme that'll induce drunkenness and many smiles. I'm pretty keen on something that hasn't been used much. I thought the theme 'hunting club' was pretty cool but I imagine a lot of people will struggle to find stuff.

If any of you guys went to a party with a ridiculously good theme please share!

Also, other ideas like jumping castles etc. would also be welcomed. Reminisce away!


Knows his goats
A local girl recently had an 18th with a "politically incorrect" theme.

Some of the costumes were hilarious. The priest with a schoolboy on a dogs leash and the pregnant nun were made significantly funnier by the fact that almost all of the kids there came from a Christian school.

pink poodle

Jumping castles are fun. Intoxicated head clashes are not...

What's the budget? Live music is always a winner. I'm thinking an 80s/90s cock rock cover band and associated theme for dress. That kind of shit house music seems to be popular with you kids these days....

Depending on budget and volume of guests, a gatzby style garden party ways goes down well.


Puts verniers on his headtube
I've noticed in the media lately that 'Crashed coz Facebook' is a very popular theme with the youngsters these days. :party:


Eats Squid
coke and hookers is always a good theme.

If you're not too keen on that, some other good ones are;

Rubik's Cube - Everyone comes dressed in random colours and the aim is to swap items of clothing with others to result in your outfit being a singular colour.

Wizard Staffs - Drink as many tinnies as you can and tape the empties together. Winner is the one with the biggest staff. You can also bike joust or use them to fight each other, always a bonus laugh

Dunno the name for this but just get everyone to wear white and provide a shitton of markers/paint/spray cans and go nuts. Drunk artistry is always fun as well. Think would probably be a strictly outdoor sorta thing though, unless you want to re-decorate your house as well.

Of course with each of these, the more wasted you are the more fun it gets.

Demolition parties are also rad but it's hard to find a consenting location for them.
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pink poodle

Fuck that. You'll need a sextant. :behindsofa:
I'm fucked then. I watched (a.very bad) film recently where sylvester stalone made one of them with a pair of spectacles and some cardboard.....

I originally thought you were impressed this fine gentleman had survived puberty and teen years and retained his forum membership and gained trader access when for many others it seems such a difficult thing.


Likes Dirt
some very decent suggestions! Live music would be rad but not sure if I'm bothered to get that set up.. actually I am sure that I cant be bothered. Would a communist party be fun? atleast everyone will get equally pissed