Plastic bags, climate change, renewable energy,

Woolworths in my area has gone back to paper bags.

Carbon Myth: Paper Bags Vs Plastic Bags

Woolworths in my area has gone back to paper bags.

Carbon Myth: Paper Bags Vs Plastic Bags

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Get a set of these, bloody handy. I got mine from Aldi at some point, but same thing. Load into the trolley at checkout and carry into the house. (and then crucially remember to put them back in the boot of the car!).

Bloody virtue signallers...

And it holds so much! I just loaded it up...and I got a park right at the entry to the shops! Oh wait a it called a park when you ride your analogue bike to the shops?

Funny sighting on the way home. As I rode past the yacht club I saw an older couple with a bottle of wine and their electric scooters. I suspect operating such a device while over the limit for driving would attract the wrath of the police, if they cared.
Single-use is the biggest issue for bags. Wish they dumped them all regardless of what they're made of.
Is Rennick actually that stupid or does he just know how dumb his audience is and play to them?
Pretty sure he is actually that stupid. As are all the commenters…

James White did well to keep a straight face and attempt to give answers that made sense, despite the questions clearly showing rennick has zero clue how it all works. This is one of many reasons I have zero interest in climbing the ranks in the public service - I might one day find myself in the situation and there is no way I’d keep a straight face!!
Pretty sure he is actually that stupid. As are all the commenters…

James White did well to keep a straight face and attempt to give answers that made sense, despite the questions clearly showing rennick has zero clue how it all works. This is one of many reasons I have zero interest in climbing the ranks in the public service - I might one day find myself in the situation and there is no way I’d keep a straight face!!
I had some fun with one of ours a few weeks ago. I was looking for a public servant to join a community project. Incumbent went on and on about costing and time and suggested that they should be the nominee. I just said no, you are but one election away from us needing to train someone else. Apparently I was the only one that was not horrified. Fuck politicos.
As much as Rennick was a complete idiot they did not cover themselves in glory. The answer to how many houses and how long is such a simple answer they could have done the calculation in seconds however they knew the answer and knew it would be derided so played like it wasn't worked out.
How much storage in terms of relative percentage, how much would those community batteries store as a part of the grid?
The question could have been a bit better and then after having it explained to him that the main purpose of them isn't bulk storage he asks further questions about bulk storage.