Pub Trivia - AKA things that may be beyond the scope of Moorey’s knowledge

‘The band took a hiatus from onstage performances until August 16, 1986, when Allen was able to return to live drumming at the Monsters of Rock festival at Castle Donington’

Indeed! I was sure I had read they had a fill in while he recovered, but had always intended for him to return when he was ready...I stand corrected.
‘Tom’s Restaurant’ in the Upper West Side of Manhattan first found fame as the inspiration for the Suzanne Vega song ‘Tom’s Diner’.

Since then it’s become even more well known for its regular appearance in what TV show?


Sticking with the world’s greatest city (aside from Perth obviously) - how many Madison Square Garden venues have there been?
Well done. But it's not a style of wine. Just a doesn't seed to be french either. There are (among others) Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese styles.

To illustrate the question:
Champagne comes from champagne.
Not wine examples:
Cognac comes from Cognac.
Armagnac comes from Armagnac.
Armagnac is more a region than a specific place?
Useless trivia fact there is a town in the Armagnac region called Condom where people make some fine Armagnac. No I didn't gooGle it either
Armagnac is more a region than a specific place?
Useless trivia fact there is a town in the Armagnac region called Condom where people make some fine Armagnac. No I didn't gooGle it either

You mean it isn't a specific region?

Urge to buy a bottle of Condom's finest brew is pretty high.
Sticking with the world’s greatest city (aside from Perth obviously) - how many Madison Square Garden venues have there been?
Thought one of the worlds most famous stadiums would have garnered more interest.

There have been 4 Madison Square Gardens.

The first was built in the 1870’s at Madison Square and was demolished in the 1890’s when they realised an open roof was crap when it rained…. The second was also built at Madison Square and lasted about 30 years. The third and then current one weren’t built at Madison Square but retained the name.

Current one was built in the 1960’s and is the oldest stadium in the NBA.

Atmosphere there is amazing. Not sure if it’s something to do with the design or just the loud New Yorkers attending.

Open to anyone with a question to ask.