Pulleys - anyone store their bike by hanging it from the roof?

John U

MTB Precision
Hooks in the wall work well. It’s a pretty tried and tested method. Might even be worth checking out some of the purpose built jobs.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I've done a ghetto pulley for kayak, its okay but the pulleys are pretty rough. In that space you could prob reach up high enough to use two hooks, lift first wheel up to highest one, then other wheel onto second hook. Or against the wall.

Paulie is right on the pullout strength, look up a chart for the metal thickness and screw size. I put up some shelves on the exterior of the same shed with ~5mm metal screws through the battens, theoretically each had 300kg pull out strength. So I used 6 for each shelf.


Ultra Lord

Hurts. Requires Money. And is nerdy.
I’ve bounced a 1tonne concrete block off one 12mm blue tip eye bolt. Could not get the bastard to pull out and almost tipped the fork over.
Small bolts are stronger than they look, but damn it looks weird. For the sake of not getting the heebyjeebies everytime you look up spend the extra 5 bucks for bigger bolts.

Im glad you’ve gone the “ah fuck it” route again hahaha. KISS principal mate, keep it simple stupid.


chez le médecin
Hooks up the wall for me .
Best way to store too many bikes.
No good if front brake fluid low + air .

Ultra Lord

Hurts. Requires Money. And is nerdy.

Stuck one of these into a concrete gatic lid weighing one tonne, attached a chain to it and lifted the slab with a forklift. It wouldn’t pull out so I started bouncing the slab by making the fork go up and down. Didn’t budge.

I was very impressed. Results may vary though, it was dense concrete around 40yrs old.

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