Queensland Chainless Chamionships- Where's our Money?


Likes Dirt
It's been almost 4 months since the Queensland Chainless Champs were meant to be held at Kenilworth. With a second attempt in January this year i think we've all realised that (unfortunately) the race will not be going forward in the near future.

Having said that, does anyone know where the hell our 90 or so dollars are!?

I'm starting to get pretty pissed off.


Likes Dirt
i have sent liam a msg and he apparantly been super busy at work and he is trying to get it sorted

i think it is pretty poor that he hasnt refunded us yet and i will be thinking long and hard about entering an event like this again


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Have you contacted fortheriders? or whoever was running the race/taking your money?

Refunds have been made back to credit card that was used to pay. Really sorry for delay just had to find time to pay everyone individually! All sorted and hope we can still hold this race sometime soon.
That was posted yesterday, you should have your money pretty quick! If not, go find it, don't just wait around for it to happen be proactive!. Races are run by very busy people that have other things to do.
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