'Racist' KFC cricket ad causes uproar in US


Likes Bikes and Dirt
it cant be racist if its true, and it is true that asians cant drive and aboriginals are a waste of space
If you were capable of pulling your own head out of your ass, and perhaps leaving your parents house, you might realise that asians are probably some of the best drivers in the world. Try driving in Hong Kong, or another large Asian city, and you will realise that most Australian drivers can't drive anywhere near as good as most Asians.

And again, try living in the conditions that most Aboriginals are forced to live in, and see how well you get out of it. With any luck, you'd be removed from the gene pool pretty quickly.

Bloody idiot.


haha i knew this would be fuel to a fire, i suggest you go touring around the northern area of australia particularly NT your opinion will soon change.

Asians the best drivers man you crack me up


Likes Dirt
haha i knew this would be fuel to a fire, i suggest you go touring around the northern area of australia particularly NT your opinion will soon change.

Asians the best drivers man you crack me up
Are they a waste of space because they could live in 'Australia' for 60,000 years more sustainably than Europeans can for 200 or did you forget where you live was settled only just over 200 years ago? Or because European culture was forced upon them, devastating their own lifestyle or is that there fault too, that their land was settled by Europeans who believed them uneducated, savages and in need of European Culture being brought upon them? Did the Europeans bring alcohol and petrol, I can't remember if they had cars before Europeans came:confused:?
If you truly believe the state of the Northern Territory was brought upon solely by the Aboriginals themselves, then this whole post has been a waste of my time.


your totally right, i feel so at ease now, im going to head straight to Katherine tomorrow and apologise to the kids there and tell them your story, maybe that will stop them getting bashed raped molested by there own parents family friends.

Oh there is the alcohol abuse as well but thats our fault aswell, dam us for giving all those allowances.

I suggest you go and see more of the world and stop listening to these hippy uni dipshits.

Oh NT isnt a state either its a territory


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I'm not going to keep going with my point Ozten, because it's obvious nothing will make you realise what a twat you are.
But both of my parents lived in Katherine for a number of years and i'm very aware of what happens. I find the life repulsive, but I don't solely blame the Aboriginal population for what occurs.


Likes Dirt
your totally right, i feel so at ease now, im going to head straight to Katherine tomorrow and apologise to the kids there and tell them your story, maybe that will stop them getting bashed raped molested by there own parents family friends.

Oh there is the alcohol abuse as well but thats our fault aswell, dam us for giving all those allowances.

I suggest you go and see more of the world and stop listening to these hippy uni dipshits.

Oh NT isnt a state either its a territory
You state your arguments with utter ignorance to the points I bring forward. Never did I say that there is not a problem in NT and yet you seem to believe I don't understand that there is?
Your logic is bewildering, better less redneck. YOU need to understand that this problem is not a massive coincidence with the settlement of white people in these areas..

The use of 'state' was in the context 'A condition or mode of being, as with regard to circumstances' for example a state of confusion. I suggest you read sentences properly before you reply with intended wit.


pesky scooter kids git off ma lawn
I thought the ad was funny. If anything it was ripping on the white aussie guy with a stereotype of 'white people can't dance/groove'. Its an awkward situation because our mate Mick feels uncomfortable because everyone else around him is chilling out, feeling the groove, having a good time and he's too self-conscious to join in so he gives them some chicken so that they tone it down a bit and stop making him look like the fool.


Likes Dirt
your totally right, i feel so at ease now, im going to head straight to Katherine tomorrow and apologise to the kids there and tell them your story, maybe that will stop them getting bashed raped molested by there own parents family friends.

Oh there is the alcohol abuse as well but thats our fault aswell, dam us for giving all those allowances.

I suggest you go and see more of the world and stop listening to these hippy uni dipshits.

Oh NT isnt a state either its a territory
*waves goodbye......


Wheel size expert
Look, yanks love to feel righteous indignation, and this is just a good opportunity for them to practise their craft. But where the Hey Hey thing was really, really poorly judged to go on air (lampooning skin colour and mannerisms is pushing things), this would seem to have been completely innocuous and almost certainly unrelated to the attitudes at the centre of the shitstorm.

Are they a waste of space because they could live in 'Australia' for 60,000 years more sustainably than Europeans can for 200 .
O RLY? How's the megafauna round your way? Flowering, succulent leaved plant species? Oh...


Likes Dirt
Fairly typical though of some Americans not being able to get their head around the idea that theirs is not the only context. I say some because in my experience in the US, predominantly in California and New York they've travelled and realise different cultures, context and thinking exists beyond their own. We just have to be careful to remind ourselves that this is a noisy minority.

Since race is already raised. Does anyone know whether these critics are black or white? It would be ironic if they are predominantly white wouldn't it?

The other leg of my critique of this nonsense is that KFC has launched a series of adds many of which do not involve any but Australian cricket fans themselves and various members of the Australian cricket team too all eating KFC, so you can hardly say anyone in particular is singled out. The evil of racism is that it singles out people based on their race (sometimes culture), that does not seem to be the case at all, when you look at the series of advertisements. As always, melodrama based on selective vision by stupid people.

Finally, no wonder America has an obesity problem, instead of worrying about the content of KFC, they are too busy worrying about the advertising it comes wrapped in and trying to selectively fit stereotypes into that advertising!


Likes Dirt

O RLY? How's the megafauna round your way? Flowering, succulent leaved plant species? Oh...
Since European settlement 50 bird and mammal, 4 frog and more than 60 plant species have become extinct. Furthermore 310 species of native animals and over 1180 species of native plants are on endangered lists . So in 60000 years Aboriginals wipe out the megafauna and in 200 we wipe out over 100 species as well as endangering a few as shown above. Oh...


Likes Dirt
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaIhf41ctkM this made my laugh. manly due to the target being west indies because umm we are playing them at the moment.... and the are not an inferior race for dancing, as far as i can remember west indies fans have always danced just like australian fans have always wore flags as capes. and come on, its called a crowd pleaser because its a big meal and he gives it to the crowd to please them. i dont understand how they can missinterpret that.


Eats Squid
Oh my god! I have nothing to add to this thread except the fact that I would love to stab every one of these dickheads in the throat with a blunt fork!

This 'Racist' word is a fucking joke! The KKK is racist, this, is not, RACIST!:mad::mad:


Likes Bikes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaIhf41ctkM this made my laugh. manly due to the target being west indies because umm we are playing them at the moment.... and the are not an inferior race for dancing, as far as i can remember west indies fans have always danced just like australian fans have always wore flags as capes. and come on, its called a crowd pleaser because its a big meal and he gives it to the crowd to please them. i dont understand how they can missinterpret that.
Those American Journo's just jumped in claiming that Australians are rascist without considering the circumstances. Your points are very true slamer. If we were playing england at the time and did the same ad but with english supporters instead, then they wouldnt have a problem at all. Just because the supporters are black they believe it is rascist which is a load of horseshit. I think the American media should just keep out of things that dont even envolve their uneducated opinions.


Likes Dirt
your totally right, i feel so at ease now, im going to head straight to Katherine tomorrow and apologise to the kids there and tell them your story, maybe that will stop them getting bashed raped molested by there own parents family friends.

Oh there is the alcohol abuse as well but thats our fault aswell, dam us for giving all those allowances.

I suggest you go and see more of the world and stop listening to these hippy uni dipshits.

Oh NT isnt a state either its a territory


Having worked extensively with TO's from the Anangu and Kndiwal groups in northen Australia, I can honestly say, particularly in regards to the NT and WA, you are completely talking out or your spincter.

Have you ever actually been in a northern Australian Aboriginal settlement or on Aboriginal managed land in northen Australia, or is your entire experience based on seeing Aboriginal people drinking in public or heaven forbid, been asked for money or had a crime committed against you or someone you know by an Aboriginal person?

Oh right your opinion is based on ficticious media reports based on the Little Children are Sacred report http://www.crikey.com.au/2007/06/18/little-children-are-sacred-report-extracts/

Aboriginal settlements and aboriginal land can and is in many circumstances, managed incredibly well. Some of the best protected, cared for and respected natural environments in this country are entirely cared for by people you consider a "waste of space" - try the APY lands re: Egernia kintorei for a start.

I see white people drinking in the park every day. The guy who threw a brick through my car window to steal my ashtray change was white. They guy with the sob story sign and the goonbag begging on the street outside my office - white too. I guess white people are a waste of space too.

To top it off, those white people haven't had a history of systematic disenfranchisation, extermination (where do you think all the Aboriginal people round the east coast went?) and predjuice.
Nor do they have a measurable, genetic susceptibility to alcoholism that white people don't have (Osier M., Pakstis A.J., Kidd J.R., Lee J.F., Yin S.J., Ko H.C., Edenberg H.J., Lu R.B., Kidd K.K. Linkage disequilibrium at the ADH2 and ADH3 loci and risk of alcoholism // Am. J. Hum. Genet. 1999, 6: 1147-1157. ).
Nor do they often have to deal with English being a distant second language.

Quite frankly you're a racist and you don't know shit. I suggest YOU see more of the world and start actually listening to the truth.