Randell Reserve still closed - school holidays does not change this!

Hi folks,

I'm just reminding everyone that Randell's is still closed to MTB riding and that it is not likley to change in the short term. Council is looking at developing tracks (including DH and XC) in the Lynton area but no progress has been made on the Randell situation.

School holidays brings more riding time for some...please use it wisely and ride on legal tracks and don't give the Council rangers, horticultural staff (that are working in Randells at the moment) and me extra non productive work to do. I'd rather spend time getting a few steps closer to legal trails then answering phone calls from locals complaining about illegal riding, trespass and verbal abuse from MTBers. I know these renegades are not club members but if you know anyone riding or planning to ride in Randells, please strongly encourage them not to. Every little action (good and bad) does make a difference.

thanks. grumble finished...back to work for me.

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