Removing dust wipers from Recon


Wheel size expert
First of all, make sure that there is no air in it if its an air sprung fork. While servicing can be done with air in the fork, its preferable to have it empty to avoid nasty...accidents.

Before you begin, it might be worth downloading the service manual from the Rock Shox website. Familiarise yourself with it, just so you know what to expect.

All you really do, is get a screw driver and carefully prise up the wiper seal from the lowers. Work your way around it untill it pops up. Its probably worth wrapping the end of the driver so you dont scratch anything. Be careful of the seals and the stanchions as if you damage them, it will cause issues.
Below this, there should be the oil seals. Spead a little 'Judy butter' or some sort of grease that works with plastics under there. Might be worth cleaning it out a little if there is any contaminants.
Refit the wiper seal carefully, tapping it into place if necessary. Use suspention oil (not mineral oil) to carefully oil the wiper seal.

If there is any play in the lowers, adjustments arnt working, forks are leaking, its probably better to have the fork checked out by a shop as it can be a costly excersise if left too long.

Good luck!