Ride in Support of Dominic Mason


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Mods you may want to move this to a more appropriate spot if this one is incorrect

I received this e-mail through the Newcastle cycling grape vine and maybe we can attract more cyclists, maybe from further afield and other Newcastle riders, that did not get this.

I ve just had an email from Luke Grainger. See below...........If you can please support this after we finish racing.........drop into the reacecourse and do a few laps, he hopes to get media coverage if we get the numbers. Also pass it on to anyone who rides a bike on the road. Cut and paste it onto an email.

On Tuesday the 11th of December the Newcastle cycling community learned of a shocking accident involving a bunch of cyclists going about their regular Tuesday morning training ride. Tragically 1 of the riders was killed and another seriously injured.

The rider, survived by his wife and two children was no different to you or I. He held a full time job and cycling was a passion. This could have easily been you or I as we continue to use the roads in Newcastle and the Hunter at considerable risk.

We have all been victim of abuse by passing motorists, seen cars, trucks and buses acting in illegal or impatient ways or in some cases been the unlucky victim of a motorist not paying attention on the road.

As a cyclist of Newcastle I am sick of reading about or hearing about young riders being injured, or in yesterdays case paying the ultimate price for enjoying the sport we all love.

What can we do?? I would like to think this latest tragedy could in some way change the attitudes of Newcastle council, the general public and motorists. Is the media coverage alone going to do this??

I am proposing a tribute/ memorial ride in memory of Dominic Mason and those who have tragically lost their lives before him.

On Sunday the 16th of December at 9 am a group of cyclists are meeting at Broadmeadow race track to embark on a 3 hour ride around the track. Not the most scenic or enjoyable ride but this ride is not about enjoyment. If we can get 300 plus riders circling the broadmeadow track in an orderly legal organized manner we can say something to the Newcastle community.

Will your effort make a difference?? I don't know but how many more cyclists need to die before something is done?

Please forward this to as many cyclists in and around the Newcastle community as possible. Remember actions speak louder than words

Craig Bartel


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I'll just try and make it out with the Camera to document it. I definitely won't be riding though with my knee :(