Riders Beware: Redhill Sydney-Include pic if I find out how


Ok, so your non-riding mates think that MTB, Downhill and Trials is a bit of an x-sport and they'll never do it. There is a little part of you who agrees with them, but you know it’s you who controls the x-factor. It’s difficult to explain this to them, them who have never ridden. We decide the jumps and dropoff we take. The reasons - challenge, exhilaration, satisfaction, that’s why we ride. How can we explain and try telling them we don’t really leave everything to chance. We do have some level of learnt skill. Ok, occasionally we take a tumble, but it’s all worth it. But, here’s the truth, it’s not bike nor gravity that’s the danger; it’s those metal things, those things with five wheels piloted on bitumen that’s the real danger.

It’s with this introduction that I tell you about our perfect ride on Saturday. One or two falls, nothing serious. As mentioned, it was all worth it. Well, after finishing we reminisced and planned the next one. Minutes later while packing it up it happened; a Ute came around the corner and ploughed into the back of one of our Utes which, inturn hurtled towards a mate who was attaching his bike to the back of his sedan. Fortunately, his fast reactions had him attempt to jump upwards when he realised the meaning of the screams and he avoided being crushed. Unfortunately, his leg was crushed between the Ute and his car. He managed to get it out but, his leg was ripped open exposing bone and muscle with a gash the size of his hand. Fortunately, as we later found out at the hospital, he did not even have a broken bone. We thank our lucky rider stars he was not crushed and nobody else was hurt. We all thought he had his back and hips smashed. Not a state you want to see your mate in, trust me.

In my opinion MTB, downhill and trials riders learn from each other. It’s the fastest way to learn. So, with this comment, take it from us, the metal machine piloted on bitumen are not always under control. So riders BEWARE , park your machines well out of the way.

Additionally, I now strongly suggest that you no longer park along the perfectly legal area of Lady Penrhyn Drive at Redhill but, further up the road, unless you to want to be the next bitumen victim. I have been told there is a parking area further up the road. I guess we’ll need to use it to stay alive in future.




logged out
That's fucked, I hope you sorted out the driver of the ute. People like that make me paranoid of using the roads.


Likes Bikes
Looks like your parked on a corner to me?
Dont ever park on em, as you've already learnt, there are some people out there who just can't drive


Likes Dirt
going by the damage on that ute, the driver must have been speeding.

i hope he gets whats coming to him. :evil:

all the best for your mate too!


Likes Dirt
dude, that guy is lucky! hope he gets well soon. Thats crazy to think that there was a leg between that ute, i mean the damage to the ute indicates to me that your mate is extreemly lucky to still have his leg, let alone an unbroken one! He should buy a tatslotto ticket.


Likes Dirt
sorry about the dude that got injured but...

there is nothing to say the ute was speeding or anything else.... it MAY have been intentional that he decided to ram another ute pushing it into the MTBer...it MAY be that the ute driver had a seizure and crashed.....you just don't know.....

'sorting out' the ute driver just doesn't sound like the type of thing you'd say about getting his details.... do you know of many cops who 'sort out' people when they attend an accident or a break in etc.....

It is likely just the wording but "sorting out" the ute driver doesn't read to me as get his licence and details.....

Its sad that it happened but its not one sided....

a picture tells a thousand words but doesn't TELL the whole story.....


Likes Dirt
Thats *%$#!@!, lucky the rider that got hit is still alive, man, hope he gets well soon and back on his bike ripin the trails again.

Best of luck in his recovery.


Likes Dirt
im not saying it was intnetional in anyway, but hes seriously injured someone and it could have been alot worse.
And i didnt exactly mean speeding, more traveling faster than a suitable speed for the area.

he obviously hasnt been in control of his car and its resulted in quite a serious injury.

im sorry, but clumsiness is not an excuse to be getting off lightly with something like this especially when it has resulted in an injury to someone.


He's had an accident and I am sure will be charged with neg.driving.

It is terrible that this has happened, and the guy injured is very lucky(not to get worse injuries) and it is something no one wants to happen to anyone. But accidents do happen, nothing can stop that. I do not know what circumstances were, but I am sure details were exchanged, police called or whatever.


Likes Dirt
kitakishi thinks im being to harsh by saying i hope he gets whats coming to him...
i think thats perfectly fair considering what this poor guys just been though... and from the sounds of things hes not going to be able to use that leg anything like he has been for quite some time.

then theres his family and friends who must have been fucking worried sick.

i dont think im being harsh at all.


Likes Dirt
Did he say: "how's my bike?"

Now my stupid line is over. That's seriously fucked up!!!
We all wish you a speedy and easy recovery dude!!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
man, that is not a good thing to hear,
I too believe that from the looks of the photo, the driver of the ute was in the wrong. I'm not saying he should get what is coming to him, just that he is in the wrong. And if that is the case, Karma will come back to him.

Hope your mate recovers from his injury quickly, i have noticed that MTBers tend to recover quicker than most anyway, but i hope he has an even speedier recevery.