Rotorburn strava

Strava CEO resigns (for the second time), 15% of the workforce laid off and a clean out of the Executives.

Horvath started Strava in 2009 but left in 2013, came back in 2019 as CEO and cut off all the leaderboards to non paying contributors etc.

2023 bumps the price up without telling members and starts a mass exodus of paying members.

Trouble ahead. I would expect tiered membership of some sort... otherwords pay for the options you want, if any.

There's been mass layoffs across the bike industry in the US, pretty much anything that thrived from Covid is going in reverse.
I can see a time where you'll have to pay to get anything other than the most basic form of the app. No leaderboards, no segments, no photos, statistics, routes, gear, trophies, clubs and you'll have to pay for Kudos. ;)
I can see a time where you'll have to pay to get anything other than the most basic form of the app. No leaderboards, no segments, no photos, statistics, routes, gear, trophies, clubs and you'll have to pay for Kudos. ;)

Why would you upload your ride to Strava then ?

The statistics are the only thing I use. Yeah I give kudos and see other people's rides but with no yearly totals of distance, climbing and time, people will go elsewhere. There are many other completely free apps to record rides on.

Stravas biggest issue is they need the free members data but how do they swap their service for that data. What is the most basic platform they can provide to keep free members using it.
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Why would you upload your ride to Strava then ?

The statistics are the only thing I use. Yeah I give kudos and see other people's rides but with no yearly totals of distance, climbing and time, people will go elsewhere. There are many other completely free apps to record rides on.

Stravas biggest issue is they need the free members data but how do they swap their service for that data. What is the most basic platform they can provide to keep free members using it.
But if you have been using if for years like most of us have, would you pay to keep that history?
I used to use VeloViewer for some of it's cool features but when that went to a paid subscription only, dumped it. It just pulled the data from Strava anyway.
Not sure what I would do if I had to pay for strava, I have a lot of ride history there and it comes in handy. It is doubled up on Trailforks so I could just use that to record my rides. It's just no quite as user friendly.
Seems like a lot of these subscription services can't understand that people are happy to pay a little for a long time, but aren't interested in paying for features they don't want.

I reckon a lot of these types of companies burn mega-bucks in developing new/additional features that they hope will be the 'next big thing', but in reality end up developing something that only tiny proportion of the user-base actually wants & will pay for.
But if you have been using if for years like most of us have, would you pay to keep that history?
I used to use VeloViewer for some of it's cool features but when that went to a paid subscription only, dumped it. It just pulled the data from Strava anyway.
Not sure what I would do if I had to pay for strava, I have a lot of ride history there and it comes in handy. It is doubled up on Trailforks so I could just use that to record my rides. It's just no quite as user friendly.

I'm hoping the new CEO might look beyond the big $$$ and look more at why they only have 5% of members on subscription. Surely it would be better to have 10% on half the cost than have 5% thinking of jumping ship.

Yeah I have from 2012/13 logged on Strava.

Just clicked over 1 million vertical metres of climbing 2 days ago.

One thing that would be great, instead of adding more sports like badminton etc, is if they could filter out all the boomers and bros uploading as analogue rides when bike selected is "S Works Kenevo" and they usually upload photos of said mobility scooter on the activity.

Also get rid of all the rides where dudes are recording like 4 second segment times at an average speed of 300km/h (maybe even get rid of all segments where this occurs, generally under 500m and with abrupt turns at start and finish).
One thing that would be great, instead of adding more sports like badminton etc, is if they could filter out all the boomers and bros uploading as analogue rides when bike selected is "S Works Kenevo" and they usually upload photos of said mobility scooter on the activity.

Also get rid of all the rides where dudes are recording like 4 second segment times at an average speed of 300km/h (maybe even get rid of all segments where this occurs, generally under 500m and with abrupt turns at start and finish).
Not an ebike fan?
Not an ebike fan?

Not really, but aside from that I just think it would be something that would be relatively easy for them to do, noting that there are other free apps available without segments or the leader board function that offer things like stats, route building etc.

There are climbs around here where the whole top ten are e-bikes, where you need to scroll down and look for the times from around 2017 back (usually set by XC pros and local heavy hitters) to even get close to a realistic sense of what a good time might be on that segment.
Not an ebike fan?
It's a fair point. There's an activity category for e-bikes, it's presumably not especially hard to ascertain from other data offered - ride avg speed vs. elevation gain, segment spd vs. HR (if measured), model name of the bike selected as @slimjim1 said, etc - if the ride has been incorrectly categorised as a normal bike ride and therefore is fucking up leaderboards.

Not even just e-bikes - there was a road segment up a steep little hill near my old house where the top however many times (top ~20 at least) were all set at average speeds of 65+km/h... People had Strava recording while they were sitting on the train that runs the adjacent track :rolleyes:

No, it's not the end of the world, but it's a pain all the same.
The pain I've always had is that despite activities being logged as road or MTN bike ride, in areas where a trail is close to a road, it still picks up road bikes....

I'll also take it as a compliment that I recently had one of my rides (from 2019 when I wasn't full dadbod) flagged as an ebike ride.... Then I pointed out that there was corresponding HR and Power meter data...
The pain I've always had is that despite activities being logged as road or MTN bike ride, in areas where a trail is close to a road, it still picks up road bikes....

The postie track.

Check the top 10 :p

Used to be all Adelaide local roadies till the TDU went down it.

Also get rid of all the rides where dudes are recording like 4 second segment times at an average speed of 300km/h (maybe even get rid of all segments where this occurs, generally under 500m and with abrupt turns at start and finish).

Years ago you used to be able to make segments any length, in recent years, it tells you the segment is too short.

Not sure the minimum but I reckon its a couple of hundred metres now.
Could be as simple as all users must specify the equipment types they are using to record activities (a lot of people already do this anyway for tracking mileage for service etc). No need to actually put model of bike or anything. A simple tick box with "bike" "shoes" "e-bike" etc. Anyone who ticks "ebike", any activity upload will default to e bike, even if they also ticked bike.

If they need to, the activity type can then be manually changed afterwards.

Doing this would hopefully clean things up a bit. Although you have to wonder how many of them would still change their eeb rides back to analogue, the thought process when they upload an activity now and see all KOMs and trophies but do nothing about it is fascinating.

Simple fixes instead of adding new activities like putt putt golf.
Not really, but aside from that I just think it would be something that would be relatively easy for them to do, noting that there are other free apps available without segments or the leader board function that offer things like stats, route building etc.

There are climbs around here where the whole top ten are e-bikes, where you need to scroll down and look for the times from around 2017 back (usually set by XC pros and local heavy hitters) to even get close to a realistic sense of what a good time might be on that segment.
I totally agree with you but I wonder if it could be actually done effectively? There is currently an ebike category but it's up to the individual to have some integrity and choose it. The honesty system was never going to cut it when dad bods got on their ebikes and they realised they could go KOM hunting on all the climbs. I've even seen riders change their ebike ride to a normal mtb ride when they realise they have a top ten so what chance do you have of having an honest system?

Strava created a heap of dickheads that avoided the bloody corners (sometimes destroyed the corners) to try and better their times before ebikes so I guess this is just the same but uphill.

As usual the only real thing you can compare is your own previous times.
Can you even see you previous times now as a 95% freeloader ?

I know you can see your fastest.
Not sure.

I managed to get student discount last year so that's the only reason I'm still premium. If I can't get that again I'll be back to the pauper pack which by the sounds of it doesn't show much.
For those on a free account (hell I even used it when I had a paid account) wanting some better analysis of their own data and using chrome, I recommend the "Elevate" extension

For those on a free account (hell I even used it when I had a paid account) wanting some better analysis of their own data and using chrome, I recommend the "Elevate" extension

There's sauce for strava as well.
It's a fair point. There's an activity category for e-bikes, it's presumably not especially hard to ascertain from other data offered - ride avg speed vs. elevation gain, segment spd vs. HR (if measured), model name of the bike selected as @slimjim1 said, etc - if the ride has been incorrectly categorised as a normal bike ride and therefore is fucking up leaderboards.

Not even just e-bikes - there was a road segment up a steep little hill near my old house where the top however many times (top ~20 at least) were all set at average speeds of 65+km/h... People had Strava recording while they were sitting on the train that runs the adjacent track :rolleyes:

No, it's not the end of the world, but it's a pain all the same.
The Old Willunga Hill DH, runs beside the road, but is easily distinguished from Old Willunga Hill Rd. In some spots it is 20m from the road. Yet the leader board is full of roadies zooming down, after trying to match Ritchie Porte on the way up.

As an aside, Ritchie has been knocked back to second on one of the short segments up the climb, by an ebiker lapping the DH.

When I raised this with the e, his words were "fuck off idiot, who cares"

Before blowing his trumpet with great gusto on his Facebook mtb page............. YIEEEW