Russia Vs. America; Here we go again kids!

Rounding up protesters and conscripting them… Shits getting real over there :(
The Russian "leaders" want to Zerg rush Ukraine. Could lead to Putin being whacked and a new dictator being installed, if it goes as badly as I think it might.
While there is a fair bit of chatter in the media about a replacement t o putin potentially being as bad or worse, I doubt that it will go that way.
While there is a fair bit of chatter in the media about a replacement t o putin potentially being as bad or worse, I doubt that it will go that way.
Or that Russia will take his assassination as the formal declaration of war theyre itching for…
But is Russia really that mad keen for war, or just doing what Putin says?
They don't seem too keen from this aspect.

Putin must be freaking out now, watching for a killshot from one of his insiders too.

Who really knows how frazzled his brain is. The possibility of him hitting the big red button, if he isn't taken out before his total loss is realised, is becoming a very real prospect.
still calling putins bluff on nuclear war. Does he not realize that in the event of nuclear war its eastern western Europe and north america that will get most fucked up by this?

For eg temps in the western/eastern part of Europe would hover around the -70 to -20c area for around 12 months north america iirc would hover in the -50 to -10 area (This includes the traditionally hotter parts of north america too). we'd get temps in the -30 area and in terms of rems west/east Europe would get fucked up with over 500+ rems similar to north america iirc we'd only get around 250 rems and than there's the half life of the radiation, this is only the first 12 months not including half life. top end of the world would get fucked up.

but hey if Australia nz bottom half of africa and south america played our cards right in this event we'd end up becoming the new super powers whilst the europe and north america re-build and repopulate after nearly half a billion deaths maybe more.
still calling putins bluff on nuclear war. Does he not realize that in the event of nuclear war its eastern western Europe and north america that will get most fucked up by this?

For eg temps in the western/eastern part of Europe would hover around the -70 to -20c area for around 12 months north america iirc would hover in the -50 to -10 area (This includes the traditionally hotter parts of north america too). we'd get temps in the -30 area and in terms of rems west/east Europe would get fucked up with over 500+ rems similar to north america iirc we'd only get around 250 rems and than there's the half life of the radiation, this is only the first 12 months not including half life. top end of the world would get fucked up.

but hey if Australia nz bottom half of africa and south america played our cards right in this event we'd end up becoming the new super powers whilst the europe and north america re-build and repopulate after nearly half a billion deaths maybe more.
in the event of a nuke exchange, if the world wasn't completely toast, I predict that the septics military forces would rock up here en masse, and be all "we're your new 'housemates', and BTW, we are going to run and control everything and take all your good stuff LOL"
Australia would go from being a client state of the USA to a housebitch state of the USA.
in the event of a nuke exchange, if the world wasn't completely toast, I predict that the septics military forces would rock up here en masse, and be all "we're your new 'housemates', and BTW, we are going to run and control everything and take all your good stuff LOL"
Australia would go from being a client state of the USA to a housebitch state of the USA.

Depends what happens with electromagnetic disturbances tbh too. Their aircraft would have to be well sheltered and insulated to protect against electromagnetic pulses.
Depends what happens with electromagnetic disturbances tbh too. Their aircraft would have to be well sheltered and insulated to protect against electromagnetic pulses.
true. I read that commercial aircraft are emp-hardened to a certain degree to deal with weather events such as lightning strikes.
But is Russia really that mad keen for war, or just doing what Putin says?
That's where I was going with this.

As to any nuking, I dont think that there is a mechanism where he will just be able to launch. There are safeguards in place to prevent accidents. I don't think anyone who is currently in control of those safeguards would think twice about putting a bullet in him if he showed up frothing and ranting to push the God damn button. The alternative is to die in a nuclear war.
That's where I was going with this.

As to any nuking, I dont think that there is a mechanism where he will just be able to launch. There are safeguards in place to prevent accidents. I don't think anyone who is currently in control of those safeguards would think twice about putting a bullet in him if he showed up frothing and ranting to push the God damn button. The alternative is to die in a nuclear war.
I saw something about this today -
USA - The President says launch they launch the missiles
Russia - Putin says launch and every missile has a commander that then decides if they will actually launch
Current opinion is getting a Russian launch off the ground would be very difficult.
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I saw something about this today -
USA - The President says launch they launch the middles
Russia - Putin says launch and every missile has a commander that then decides if they will actually launch
Current opinion is getting a Russian launch off the ground would be very difficult.
I still think the biggest nuclear threat is from Ukrainian nuclear power stations that are under Russian control or within shelling distance.
I still think the biggest nuclear threat is from Ukrainian nuclear power stations that are under Russian control or within shelling distance.

I think so. Either a accidental hostilities or operator error (assuming all the experienced staff have fled or died).

I think a significant civilian attack from either side is more likely. Similar to what we saw on WW2 - mass indiscriminate shelling/bombing/fart attack like the London blitz or Dresden.
If Russia decided to drop a nuke on Ukraine, its unlikely that the west would retaliate using nukes of their own...they have more than enough conventional weapons to send Russia even further back towards the stone age
Modern warfare is not about "eye for and eye" anymore, its about fucking them up enough that they wished they had played nicely with the other children whilst they had the chance....
Russia - Putin says launch and every missile has a commander that then decides if they will actually launch
Current opinion is getting a Russian launch off the ground would be very difficult.
This is my understanding. I think something like this actually happened in the early 80s, USSR early warning systems incorrectly claimed a NATO launch had happened and a General or Admiral or someone said yeah nah and refused permission to counterattack (thank f***).
I think a significant civilian attack from either side is more likely. Similar to what we saw on WW2 - mass indiscriminate shelling/bombing/fart attack like the London blitz or Dresden.
Given their current military performance and enthusiasm for indiscriminate artillery this is the most likely (worst) outcome. Russia has form with this too (Grozny, Aleppo etc).
Rounding up protesters and conscripting them… Shits getting real over there :(
The stupidity of throwing active dissenters into an army which already has terrible morale problems and minimal ground level leadership is insane. Just increases the likelihood of another winter revolution. If Putin is still in charge / alive in 6 months I'd be surprised.
This is my understanding. I think something like this actually happened in the early 80s, USSR early warning systems incorrectly claimed a NATO launch had happened and a General or Admiral or someone said yeah nah and refused permission to counterattack (thank f***).

Was in that documentary War Games
