Sheep Statin Fiddy K : Rydal


NSWMTB, Central Tableland MBC
The Sheep Station Fiddy K
Saturday 10th May Rydal show ground

People keep asking us what other riding is there at Rydal. And we keep saying heaps. But that doesn't seem to pacify them so we thought why not hook up a loop that takes in the usual XC single track and links it up with some of the other cool stuff out there and then bust out a 50km race.

Thus the Sheep Station Fiddy was born.

Remember when life was simple? Remember when you rode your bike to have a good time?
When you rode because it felt good and the company you rode with and the tracks you rode were more important than all the wank that sometimes comes with big races

Well CTMBC are taking it back.

We're stripping away all the hype and complications and just having a fun but why we're at it let's throw in the much alluded sheep station


Some details
We've bought the race start forward to 12 due to the lack of day light in the afternoon

The course will comprise of a 25km laps, about half ST/ half fire trail. Obviously the fiddy does 2 laps

Categories are
50k male
50k female
50k masters
25k male
25k female
Pairs male
Pairs Female
Pairs mixed

Pairs do one lap, riding together and they must cross the line together to get a time.

Cut off for the 50k competitors to start the second lap is 2pm
Entry fees are
$50 for fiddy k
$30 for 25 k
$50 for pairs

Rego is Open
Last edited:


NSWMTB, Central Tableland MBC
Online entry closes tonight and it's been pointed out I stuffed up and didn't have juniors on the system.
There are junior categories.
U14 25k. $20
U17 25k $20

And well take entry on the day


NSWMTB, Central Tableland MBC
Online entry closes tonight and it's been pointed out I stuffed up and didn't have juniors on the system.
There are junior categories.
U14 25k. $20
U17 25k $20

And well take entry on the day