Similar, or Stolen?


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Check out these frames from Azonic and Cyote*(sp)

They look the same, almost identical.

yeah look at this years craft works as aswell, they are all made by pacific is a massive factory in taiwan, frame companys get a cataloge where they can go, i want this main frame, this swingarm with these dropouts, or some times they just say yeah i want that frame with my stickers. the azonic saber is actualy designed by rober crafter i've heard whch makes it a Craftworks FRM, lots of stuff like this happens.
Ty` said:
yeah look at this years craft works as aswell, they are all made by pacific is a massive factory in taiwan, frame companys get a cataloge where they can go, i want this main frame, this swingarm with these dropouts, or some times they just say yeah i want that frame with my stickers. the azonic saber is actualy designed by rober crafter i've heard whch makes it a Craftworks FRM, lots of stuff like this happens.

Close but not quite right. The Banshee, Craftworks, Mongoose, Schwinn(designed with the help of Pip from Banshee) are all made by Pacific.

The Azonic, Oryx, Coyote, etc are all made by Astro. Muddy fox is a brand that can't seem to make up it's mind, used to be like a Craftworks but now is like an Azonic.

If you have a close look at the Craftworks and the Azonic they are actually quite different and don't share any parts that i know of.

Bottom line is, The Banshee and Craftworks are desined by Pip and Robert and simply cut and welded by Pacific(the Craftworks bikes do make it into the pacific catalogue but are not allowed to be sold under any name in Aus or US as this is Craftworks territory), i think most of the others are picked out of the Pacific or Astro catalogues so who actually manufactures each brand of frame could possibly change from year to year.

I highly doubt Robert had anything to do with the Azonic as i'm 99% sure it's made by Astro and the Craftworks is made by Pacific.

In the past i have looked into this stuff a fair amount, i've also spoken with Robert Crafter about the whole deal too.Feel free to correct me on any incorrect info though.
Gutty, your probably right about this. i was just going off what i've heard about Robert designing his own bikes and them being made by pacific then putting 2 and 2 together to get 3.5. thanks for the insider ifnfo.
No probs mate, i looked into it all when i was buying my first Craftworks. If you really want lots of info about this stuff you should have a chat to Vitox on Ridemonkey. he knows all the goss about who's building what for who.
Vitox is a dictonary of bike manufacturing, have you seen some of the crazy south american bikes that he posts up from time to time? they are on the ball in that part of the world.
Vitox has also weighed every single bike component on earth.... you could ask him how much your bike weighs just by telling him your spec list!
holey fugg.... I posted (made it- then posted) that on pink bike forever ago. Theres heaps of this happening in the industry. Nothing is what it seams. Azonic doesnt make anything is the main point though, and they charge a pretty penny. Oh I had a coyote at the time it was 01 and it looks EXACTLY the same as a Boy bike. Go figure.

Oh check out for a dh frmae thats the same as the azonic and half the price, these guys make azonics- so I've heard. OR buy from the same taiwain factory.